For Harry Potter junkies only
Okay, if you're not a Harry Potter junkie, you can skip this post and I won't blame you one bit. If you are, I'd love to hear your two cents about what I'm going to say.
For the record, JK Rowling is on my cool list. When the zombies come, I sincerely hope she's in America and not England so we could send out a rescue squad for her. Lucas is now off my cool list and JK Rowling is on it. And I even liked Star Wars III, but its two predecessors were so bad that III did not make up for them. Goodbye Lucas, hello JK Rowling. Besides, Ms. Rowling is kind of sexy. I find creativity sexy in a woman. I was surprised to see she wasn't bad to look at either.
Anyways...Mrs. Zombieslayer already has Harry Potter 6 pre-ordered. The fourth movie also comes out this year. These are my predictions for the next two books. Keep in mind that they may not necessarily happen in 6 or 7, but they will happen in one or the other.
1) Ron and Hermoine finally get together. My guess book 7 after Hermoine breaks up with Krum and Ron breaks up with someone else.
2) Harry Potter stuns Voldemort, but Neville delivers the fatal blow. For the record, being an orphan must suck big time but what happened to Neville is even worse.
3) One of the teachers dies. I hope it's not McGonagall. I really like her a lot. My guess is that it's Snape and he dies in an act of heroism, possibly saving Harry's life.
4) Fudge dies. I wouldn't mind because I really don't like him. I'm hoping Umbrict dies too.
5) Harry Potter falls in love with someone and she dies.
6) It's an all out war in book 7. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle's parents all die. However, Draco Malfoy turns against his father and becomes a good guy.
7) All three schools will have to unite in the fight. The good guys will get routed until the world unites against the Death Eaters.
My favorite characters - Fred and George. They crack me up. In book 5, practically every scene they were in they had me laughing. I love their blatant disregard for rules. Hermoine is a close second. I like her a lot because she has nothing going for her other than brains and ambition.
The characters I hate the most - Umbrict and Fudge. I hate them even more than Voldemort. Voldemort is selfishly evil but I can see why he's what he is. People I hate more than anyone else are people who use law to do evil. Voldemort is more like a power mad psychopath. Umbrict is more like a Stalin or Hitler. Fudge is a typical politician with his head up his you know where.
That's it. Looking forward to book 6 and movie 4. I love book four. Just finished reading it again and I'm about to read book 5 again.
Anyone else have predictions? For the record, I don't know Ms. Rowling personally so these are just predictions. I have no idea how right or wrong they will be.