I've heard this complaint from women numerous times. And whether it came from some annoying whiner or a woman I genuinely cared about, my reply is always the same. "You women should have been careful for what you wished for."
Then they get mad when I shift the blame to them. Let me explain.
I grew up in a different time. I grew up in a time when a man's word was respected and when honor meant something. I grew up in a time when if you had something to say to someone, you said it. If you got your you know what kicked, at least other people would have respected you for standing up for what you believed.
It's not like that anymore. Now, whenever a guy shows any signs of masculinity, people are appalled. The extreme case of this is when cops tell you to give a criminal what he wants. Screw that! If a criminal is in my house, he dies. I don't care if he was abused as a child. I don't care if his father never told him he loved him. I don't care if his dog died when he was only three. I don't care if he had accidents during pottie training.
Any cop who goes around saying that needs to not only get his butt kicked, but he ought to lose his job as well. Protect and to serve whom? Oh yeah, maybe keeping criminals on the streets is job security. Who knows?
But going back on topic...It's in schools. Any time a boy shows disinterest (grade school is boring! it was boring in my day), they throw a bottle of ritalin at him. I would have been doped up had I grown up twenty years later. And I consider myself highly successful for someone my age. Had I been on ritalin, I'd be spending the prime years of my life staring into space bagging groceries in Wal-Mart.
I like to use TV as a barometer. Remember the old days? Sure TV was bad, but it had people you could respect. Nowadays we have shows like
Friends where the "sensitive" guy, who really plays the role of a pansy who would (and should) have been stuck in a garbage can and rolled down the hill in my day, is the guy women like. And the other two guys are pretty and stupid.
Take another TV show,
The Man Show. It started off as a show for guys, a show with guy things like beer, sports, and hot chicks. It ended up making fun of everything guys like.
Look at the big issues nowadays. We have gun control, which is totally anti-male. We have politicians trying to ban video games, another past time of young males. By the way, guess what? Video games don't cause reckless violence. Parental neglect does, so if you want to ban something, ban bad parenting.
Remember the Promise Keepers? They were simply Christian males who promised to be better fathers, better sons, better boyfriends, better brothers, better people, better
men. And all the media did was make fun of them. Well, so much for trying to be a better man. Might as well just give up.
I was an atheist at the time of the Promise Keepers (and no, I will not disclose my current religious beliefs. We're very private), and was I offended? Not one bit. I thought it was a great idea. Here were a bunch of Christian males making the same promises as the good folks in the
Million Man March, and people mocked them.
I know this post is offensive and I was initially worried about posting it because it would lose some loyal readers, all of whom I really like as people. But I have to come clean. I have to tell the truth how I feel, because it's my duty. I don't want a return to the good old days. There are things I like better about today than back then. I want a move forward, but with men to be allowed to be men again.
I want Mardi Gras and Las Vegas. And I don't want a "family-friendly" Las Vegas. I want a haven for heterosexual (both men and women) hard-core partying. The gays have Gay Pride in San Francisco, as they should, more power to them. How come there has been so much cracking down on wild straight parties? The workers of America average over forty seven hours a week of work.
We all need to let off some steam in a way that doesn't land us in jail.
I want the shooting galleries back in my amusement parks. I want to be able to smile at a lovely lady without getting fined for sexual harassment. Hell, I don't even open doors for women anymore because I'm tired of dealing with the bad looks.
And yes, I know the difference between innocence and sexual harassment. I've discussed this with my female friends many times, and the line is easy to understand. When in doubt, ask. Women are more than willing to tell how they feel.
Worse yet, American "men" have given up their freedom for security. Now look. Guys with money no longer drive fast and fun sports cars. Instead they buy slow and "safe" SUVs. (Of course, SUVs aren't safe, they're actually much, much more dangerous than full-size sedans, but who needs logic and statistics when you "feel" safer?) American "men" have bought the whole gun control lie, which has been proven over and over again not to reduce crime, yet men no longer think rationally. They've lost the ability to.
I never thought I'd see the day when I was hated by some people for being a hunter. Now, these same morons eat meat, and just don't get it. Hunting is a male primal instinct. It is a safe way of being a male. Sure there are bad hunters out there who get drunk, litter everywhere, shoot at everything, and have no respect for their guns or the animals they're shooting at. But that's all you'll hear from the media. You'll never hear that the vast majority of hunters are good honest people. You'll also never hear that the most successful environmental organizations in terms of acreage saved from development
almost every single year are hunting groups.
For the record, male agressiveness is a
good thing. It just needs to be channeled properly. Trying to repress it will make it come out perverted. That's why we have binge drinking. That's why we have campus rape. That's why we have completely misogynistic porn (instead of healthy, loving porn, like what existed in the 70s). It's because any time a boy showed signs of maleness, he was severely punished and now it's coming out perverted. And
no, I am not excusing it, by any means. I'm just telling you why it's happening.
And women wonder why real men don't exist anymore. It's because men have had their maleness trained right out of them. So when any maleness slips out, it comes out sick and perverted.
Lastly, if things are corrected, if men are allowed to be men again, women will love it. For one thing, you'll see much less misogyny, much less perversion, and you'd be respected as women as men should be respected as men.