Smart women
I used to work with a software engineer who was on the ball. When she got an assignment, she saw it to completion and did a wonderful job at it. She was also a fascinating person. She could talk pop culture with the best of them and had an interesting opinion on just about every subject out there.
Her problem, she was a smart young and single woman.
"Ramona" used to work at another tech firm and when guys asked Ramona what she did there, she lied and told them she was the receptionist.
I asked Ramona why she did this and she said that smart women intimidate guys. I said "huh? You got to be kidding, right?"
She said no, they did. It was a big turn-off to guys to be as smart or smarter than they were. I told her I found intelligence in a woman sexy and she replied that I was an exception and most guys were turned off by smart women.
All right, I'll take her word for it. Having not been in her shoes, I couldn't really judge her situation. However, I do see it as bizarre. I pondered it and thought that it was a bad move to downplay her intelligence, for she'd only intimidate guys with low self-worth, right? Well, I brought that back to her and she said, no, it intimidates most guys, and why narrow her selection?
Besides, if she meets a guy that she really likes and they're starting to dig each other, she could tell him the truth and he'd accept it, having gotten past that initial hurdle. That was as far as we got on that conversation, and trying to see things her way, I could accept that.
Looking back before Mrs. ZS, I knew four uber-smart girls that there could have been a bond with. One was a cutie, but as clingie as they come, i.e., she wanted the big C (commitment) after the first date. The second was also a cutie, but a social retard. The third I struck out with (just don't tell anyone I've ever struck out). And the fourth was so religious she'd only date within her denomination. I can respect that, but I'll never change my denomination for anyone.
So, women out there, I know your writing abilities. I know that there are some seriously intelligent women who read this blog. Did you ever have to downplay your intelligence to get dates? I'm thinking it's a way to weed out insecure guys but Ramona strongly argues it's a flaw in the male psyche.
And men, are you intimidated by smart women? Yeah, I know, this will get you in trouble, but I've left anonymous posting on.
I'd love to hear it, because frankly, I'm curious.