These are the classes. If you're an expert in sociology, feel free to correct me because I'm doing this from memory and you already know, I have a bad case of C.R.S.
Upper-upper class, also called the old rich. I am so rich that there's no way I could go through all the money I have. It will take generations of mismanagement to go through my wealth. I have trust funds set up for me, my spouse, and my children. I own decent sized chunks of several companies and sit on many boards. People pay me well for my advice.
I have been rich for at least three generations. I didn't make the money. My grandparents or great-grandparents did. I'm living off of their money still, and living quite well, thank you. The school I graduated from has had a scholarship that has my name on it. Well, not necessarily my name but my grandparents' names.
Examples of me are the Rockefellers, the Kennedys, the Hiltons, or the Vanderbilts. When cops stop me, they address me as Sir or Ma'am and apologize for stopping me, for they didn't recognize it was me. That is, when I choose to drive myself.
Lower-upper class (new rich) - I struck it rich. My company was in the right place at the right time. You may have seen me on the cover of Fortune magazine or Sports Illustrated. You probably know my name. I make at least millions every year. If I'm smart, I'd invest some of it and not blow through it all. If I hire the right accountants, my grandchildren will end up in the upper-upper class.
The upper-upper class though kind of thumbs their nose at me for being uncultured. It pisses me off because sometimes, I have a higher net worth than they do. I earned my money too. They were born into it. On one hand, I want to say screw them, but on the other hand, I want to be one of them.
When a cop stops me, they ask for my autograph.
Examples of me are Oprah, Bill Gates, Madonna, Michael Jordan, Prince, Dale Earnheart Jr., Larry Ellison, Keith Richards.
Upper-middle class - I am a professional. I am a doctor, a lawyer, the best real estate agent in town, a high salaried programmer, chief accountant for one of the Big Four. I make six figures and time to me is money. I am a very busy person.
I make lots of money and spend lots too. I have a nice car, because I want you to know I'm successful.
I am high-stressed too. I have very little patience for slackers. I want things done my way and will pay top dollar to people who are willing to do things the way I want them done. I appreciate that, and I'll reward their hard work with money.
When a cop stops me, I get upset. I am busy, and just trying to get to where I'm going and don't have time for this crap. I'll take the ticket, but I'll let him know he's wasting my time, and time to me is money.
Middle-class - The bulk of America. I have a job or own a small business. I pay rent or a mortgage. I have a family. I'm buried in credit card debt. I'll go on vacation once a year, get sloshed, and go back to work Monday in even deeper debt. I hope my kids become better off than me.
I am a slave to the banks. It seems like everyone wants my money. I got more bills than I can handle. I wish they'd all leave me alone. I'm one serious illness away from bankrupcy.
When a cop stops me, I take the ticket and go to traffic school. Or maybe I could sweet talk my way out of it. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't.
The working class - I never finished up college, but never needed it. I went to a trade school or learned a trade from Uncle Jim. I'm good at what I do. I call the middle-class people Sir or Ma'am and they thumb their noses at me even though sometimes I make more money than they do, especially if I'm now boss.
I'll do that job in your house for you for $3500. It will take me and my apprentice a few weeks. I know you formerly had Eddie do work for you. Don't get me wrong, I like Eddie as a person, but his work standard leaves something to be desired.
I am patriotic. The middle-class frankly pisses me off because they take this country for granted. I served in the military. My son's going to serve. Even my daughter's currently serving right now. She's on this college plan where they pay for your college if you serve. I'm so proud of both of my kids. She'll be the first to graduate college in the family.
I guess we need someone in the family to make college. My back's going out. I don't know how much longer I can do this line of work. Don't got any other skills though, so when my back goes, I don't know what I'm going to do.
By the way, I could hold my beer, unlike those yuppie kids who showed up at Shorty's last friday. They're lucky they didn't start nothing because I alone could have taken them all.
When a cop stops me, I ask him which police academy he went to. My nephew went to the other one. We talk for a little bit and sometimes he doesn't give me a ticket, sometimes he does. If he does, he's just doing his job. No biggie.
Lower class - See that factory or that mine over there? My grandpa used to work there. He made enough money to buy the house we're living in today. I know it ain't much and needs a lot of TLC, but when I get a job, I'll fix the roof first. It leaks during a heavy rain.
Gramps used to make good money but the mine closed down or the factory got moved overseas. That's why we're broke today. Those jobs ain't never comin' back.
We lived in a nicer place once. A hurricane/flood/tornado destroyed it though and left us with nothing so we moved in with my mother. She passed on, died of lung cancer two years ago.
I don't make life happen. Life happens to me. Sometimes Fate's on my side, sometimes I feel like I did something to really piss off Fate.
It's all the cards man. You get dealt a hand and you make the best of it.
Little Johnnie's pretty fast. I'm hoping he makes the pros. If so, he promised us he'd buy us a new house in the burbs. Lucy's pregnant again and Timmy's in jail. Same old, same old. At least one for three have a shot at making it, so I guess we're not doin' too bad.
Back in the old days, cops used to beat us up. I still don't trust them though. Sure they're getting better. I guess we need them around because crime in this neighborhood's just gettin' worse.