Yet another year's about to end
Just to let you know, I wasn't at all dissing Hybrids. I was however making fun of my buddy's mother's elitist attitude with them, especially considering my Saturn got better gas mileage and had more trunk room. My Saturn's definitely not a babe magnet though. I guess there's no such thing as a perfect car.
Do you know what the leper said to the surgeon?
"Hey buddy, could you lend me a hand?"
I know we all like different musicians, different bands, etc. But I'm always one to try new things, and really appreciate it when folks introduce me to new music. I always want to know what's out there. I keep hearing people my age say "there's no good music today." No, there will always be good music written, you just have to search for it.
HIM's Dark Light is really growing on me. I really like this album, and thanks to Sygyzy for first reviewing HIM. My wife hates the singer's voice, but Junior and I like it.
New Year's Resolutions
This post is for Jenn. Thanks babe for posting yours. My single New Year's Resolution is quite boring. It's simply to finish paying off my credit card debt.
I had zero credit card debt until my job got outsourced. Since then, we've been scrambling to make ends meet. One of the side effects of being unemployed is credit card debt, since I wasn't exactly going to sell any of my investments. In the long run, it will all pay off, so no complaints. Unfortunately, a lot of my fellow former coworkers haven't been as fortunate.
Hot American Babe - Rachel Ray
And lastly, I present to you the lovely Rachel Ray. I've known of Giada for awhile now, but only recently heard of Rachel Ray. She also has a show on Food Network.
Giada's already coming to the anti-zombie compound when the plague starts. Imagine having both gorgeous cooks. I'll judge the cook-off. "Hmm...both wonderful, too close to call. I think we'll have to have another one next week."
Yup, that will be our life. One request though. I know how to raise chickens and ducks, having experience with both. Will need help with the cows and the pigs. And yes, I won't do a Charlotte's Web on the runt. Yes, your daughter can keep him as a pet. Just don't expect me to explain to her why Wilbur is missing when Rachel wants to make ham. That's your job.

In defense of Giada, some people were saying that if a cook is skinny, that implies their cooking is no good. The other way to look at it, if they're fat, maybe nobody's eating their food so they have to eat it all and if they're skinny, the food is so good that everyone eats it all before the cook has a chance to eat. Something to consider.
Happy New Years!
Happy New Years all! I doubt I'll be online over the three-day break, possibly a little tonight but not much, so hope you all have a good New Years.