Those who have been here for awhile know my background and understand my sense of humor and what I'm trying to accomplish. For those who are new, let me explain...
To make a long story short, I was born in the Mid-West, although I grew up in a refinery town in California. I had a wonderful childhood, although the town I grew up in was somewhat rough and my younger brother had horrible asthma, which miraculously disappeared when we moved.
As a child, I fought a lot and got horrible grades. But I also played a lot of sports. We were an active lot, and the same brother who had asthma came very close to making it into professional sports, for all we did on the weekends when we were kids was compete against everyone else.
In those days, we did things that would have gotten us expelled nowadays. Boys and girls chased each other constantly. I brought my knife to school all the time, and even when I got in fights, I would have never dreamed of whipping it out and using it on the guy I was fighting, for that would be wrong.
We told racist, sexist, and ethnic jokes all the time. As someone mixed-race and multi-ethnic, they more often than not hit me, but I laughed. We all laughed. They were funny jokes. Nowadays if my son did half the things I did when I was a kid, he'd be expelled from school because of political correctness.
Every year, we had the fat kid in class. We referred to him as the fat kid. He didn't attempt suicide or blame the world for his failures. He often was the funniest kid in the class and made us laugh more than anyone else, so everyone liked the fat kid.
Now you even mention a kid being overweight and you get threatened with a lawsuit.
The other major thing I noticed is when I was little, women smiled. I'd be walking with my father and we'd see a lady walking towards us. He would say "hello" and she'd smile at us both. Nowadays, crime has gone down dramatically since when I grew up, but everyone's afraid to talk to strangers.
Today, women drive behemoth vehicles because guess why? It makes them
feel safe, and they
never smile. The default facial expression on an American woman is not just a frown, but a huge frown. What the ****? Why is everyone so !@#$%^& uptight and unhappy? I don't get it.
Men are generally confused. They don't know how to really be men, to let loose, to enjoy themselves, to enjoy hanging out with the guys. Heck, half the men I know nowadays can't even change a !@#$%^& tire.
Why do people get offended so easily nowadays? And why do people always freak out when I tell them I picked up a hitchhiker? Or when I tell them I went shooting the other day, some people look at me like a psychotic maniac. I grew up with guns, was always around them, shot thousands of rounds, hunted and eaten animals, but would never dream of using a gun on a person unless that person was in my house trying to harm my family.
These things all bother me. People get offended too easily. They need to loosen up.
The other thing, let's bring back drinking and gambling at work. I remember even as a young kid winning a football pool at Dad's work, humiliating grown ups by picking 11 of the 14 football games right while everyone else picked nine or less. I threw in a dollar, which I earned, I painted curbs on my own time to have my own pocket change. Yes, as a child, I went door to door and sold my services to strangers. Won't happen nowadays, even though crime is
considerably down from what it was when I was a kid.
I remember disappearing for the day with other latchkey kids. We would ride our bikes for miles, sometimes getting lost, then having to go to a stranger's house and asking to use their phone to call Dad. The stranger happily made the call.
Sometime in the 80s, but especially in the 90s, everything changed. People started getting therapy for everything and everyone became some kind of victim. Nobody dealt with their problems anymore and everyone else was to blame for their failures. The country suddenly went completely mad.
Suddenly, all strangers were sexual predators and you couldn't trust anyone, not even your neighbor. My music, my Dungeons and Dragons, and everything else I liked suddenly became the reason why my generation was so screwed up. The thing is, we weren't screwed up. We were just told we were screwed up. And we bought it.
So, that was the country I grew up in. I want my country back. And I'm going to take it back, no matter how many people I offend and no matter who gets in my way. For those with me, thanks. Let's laugh and enjoy life once more, the way it was meant to be.
And let's stop being afraid. Let's get to know our neighbors again. You might find there are some real good people that you would have never had the chance to meet had you kept your door closed.