Friday, November 04, 2005

Love the San Francisco Bay Area

When I was interviewing for work in the Bay Area, my real estate agent and I had some good quality time together. He recently sold his rental and is sitting pretty with a lot of cash. He recently rewarded himself with a limited addition sports car so he took me up into the Berkeley hills in it.

From the Berkeley Hills, you can stare out over both the Berkeley and Oakland city lights and see the San Francisco Bay beyond. It's a magical view, something I'd strongly advise Notta to take her boyfriend to one night. Plus, Berkeley has some wonderful Italian, Asian, Ethiopian, and Indian restaurants. We had Italian that night because Italian is currently my favorite cuisine. My fav cuisine though changes about every six months.

I remember the big fire in the Berkeley Hills in the early 90s. One of my professors had his house and everything he owned burned to the ground. He showed up to work the next day and I asked him why he was here. "I got nowhere else to go," he said with a blank look on his face, then started his lecture.

My real estate agent took on a young assistant, who recently graduated college with a degree in English. He's wonderfully literate and a pleasure to talk to. I bugged him to read the Harry Potter series. He mentioned his favorite author but I forgot who it was, for we talked about everything from investments to refinishing bathtubs.

I sometimes regret not having any focus when I was his age, for I'd be rich today, but then I think about the level of partying I did then and the wonderful experiences I got out of it. I also did a lot of tutoring in those days, which got me into the local Native American community and learned culture and outdoor survival skills that no money can buy. Is experience worth more than money? I'm starting to realize it is.

On the way home, we took Port Chicago Highway. I was telling Vest about a city called Port Chicago that had the worst wartime accident in American history. Several hundred people were instantly blown up and years later, there were rumors that it was a nuclear accident, for both Little Boy and Big Man were stored nearby in the Concord Naval Weapons Station before being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively.

It's urban legend though, for the cancer rates went off the charts for Hiroshima survivors and folks who lived nearby. The cancer rates in Concord in the 40s and 50s were about the same as the rest of the country.

I'll do posts later on local history here. I know there's not a huge interest for it, but I love writing historical pieces, so it will be more for me and Tshsmom.

My real estate agent's new assistant and I talked about partners. No, not business partners but life mates. He's currently serious with a nice young woman. My two cents I gave him - loyalty. If she's not loyal, if she's not a team player, dump her. One thing that makes a relationship work long-term is that a relationship must be a cohesive unit. If one side thinks only about their needs and neglects the needs of the other, it won't work.

With that, it cemented how he feels about his girlfriend. He thinks she's the one. Good for him.

Lastly, it's Friday. One of the guys at my new work is a bass player, so we shared some musician jokes. Here they are. Have a wonderful weekend all. I'll be busy, so I won't be blogging, but will see you all next week.

Now for the musician jokes

What does a bass player use for birth control?

His personality.

What do you do when a drummer knocks on your door?

Take the pizza and pay him.

How do you keep a lead singer occupied for hours?

Give him a mirror.

And lastly, what do you call a guy who hangs around with a bunch of musicians?

A drummer.


Blogger Thomcat said...

q - why are guitarist jokes all one liners ?
a - so the rest of the band gets it

q - what do you say to a guitarist in a 3 piece suit ?
a - will the defendant please rise ...

q - what did the drummer get on his IQ test
a - drool

11/04/2005 3:48 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Thom - Guitarist as a defendent? I thought it was the drummer who was always the criminal. ;)

Love that last joke. I'm going to tell all three at work. Thanks for the jokes.

11/04/2005 4:31 PM  
Blogger clothosfate said...

LOL... I love your jokes... I grew up with musicians, as I have mentioned before, and my boyfriend used to be a drummer.. so they all hit home.

Have a good weekend Zombie, make it good enough for the both of us and I will enjoy it vicariously.

11/04/2005 5:10 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

ZS - thank you for the recommendation - I'll have to take H there sometime. :-) We enjoy getting out and doing new things. Hope your weekend is a good one!

11/04/2005 5:27 PM  
Blogger Davoh said...

"I sometimes regret not having any focus when I was his age, for I'd be rich today"
mm, perhaps riches do not lay with 'tradition', but with the richness of tradition.

11/05/2005 1:56 AM  
Blogger Udarnik said...

Lots to comment on... I hope you're right about this one:

Is experience worth more than money? I'm starting to realize it is.

That's about all I've got.

We love visiting Berkeley... Moe's Books, Cartesian Bookstore, Amoeba Records, Top Dog and Big Slice Pizza surrounded by neighborhoods full of Craftsman style cottages and homes. It's pure Californiana and any visit to the state would be complete without it!

11/05/2005 7:00 AM  
Blogger Udarnik said...

Uh-oh... I meant incomplete... it's early... haven't gone for the run/walk yet... sorry.

11/05/2005 7:01 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

How far is that from Dublin? That's where John's gonna have to go a lot for work now that half his team quit on him... Glad you like your new digs.

11/05/2005 11:21 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

wow. That part about the professor who lost his home almost made me tear up.
Man, drummers got ripped today. My husband plays bass--he gets no respect either.

11/05/2005 12:07 PM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Wow, I'd never heard about that Port Chicago thing. Local history's fine with me!

11/05/2005 7:12 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Ah, woke-up before Sundays games. :)

Clothosfate - Used to be a drummer? Now he's dependable? ;)
Oh, it's going good so far. Wife's still in bed.

Notta - If you need diretions, let me know.

Bridget - Married to a guitarrist? My poor wife is. :p

Wombat - perhaps riches do not lay with 'tradition', but with the richness of tradition.

Truly wise words. Thanks for sharing them.

Bo - Amoeba records. Yes. And yes, I love the houses made in the 20s. Some architects refer to them as "storybook houses" because they look right out of a fairy tale.

Laura - Dublin is about twenty to twenty five minutes without traffic south of Berkeley. All he has to do is take I-680 North, then 24 west and he'll go right through Berkeley. Lots of fine eating there.

Sadie - Bass players tend to be the quiet type which for some strange reason, attract some of the cutest women. I haven't put my finger on the whys yet.

SME - I'll have to do a full-write up on the Port Chicago disaster. That will definitely be in the queue.

ZL - I need to move faster. I noticed you got Paulina Rubio. Was too slow. :(

11/06/2005 9:43 AM  
Blogger lime said...

loved the jokes. i'm friends with a couple bass players...what does that say about my personality? eeeek!

i'm from the east coast but loved visiting the bay area, recently learned about the port chicago accident. would be interested in the historical psot

11/06/2005 5:42 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Ah yes, San Francisco. Where you pay $300K for a 30 sq. ft. home. That is, 30 sq. ft. IF you finish the attic.

But it IS very picturesque. In my mind, it's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't like to live there.

11/07/2005 5:26 AM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

You're right on about relationships. One-sided never works, unless you're a masochist.

Looking forward to the history posts, but then you already knew that.

11/07/2005 4:01 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Tshsmom - You're right on about relationships. One-sided never works, unless you're a masochist.

I think there are a lot of masochists out there. :p

Okay, I'll whip out something about the Port Chicago Disaster and other local historical stories.

Saurkraut - But it IS very picturesque. In my mind, it's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't like to live there.

Yeah, I grew up in the outskirts. Really enjoyed it, but never lived in the city itself.

Lime - i'm friends with a couple bass players...what does that say about my personality?

You don't mind people who speak in grunts? ;)

Cool, another interested party. Okay, I'll write some up. :)

11/07/2005 7:58 PM  

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