Agetha's story"Agetha" is a wonderful woman. She has a kind heart and good intentions. However, she has one major flaw - bad taste in men.
She has three kids, two of her looking like her and one looking like him. Agetha's hubby, he's another story. He's not a joy to be around. No matter what idea or proposition you have, he'll tell you how it won't work. He'll find ugliness in a rainbow, smog in a sunset, and a miscolored drop in a waterfall. He's never happy, and yours truly has had to hold back the temptation to knock him over the head with a crowbar.
You and I have free will. He has
none. He's the type of guy fifty years ago who would be locked up in an attic making funny noises, or better yet, in a loonie bin where he couldn't
breed. Unfortunately for us, he's bred three times.
All three kids have severe depression. The boy is a teenager. He's found that he's even bad at suicide. He's tried it twice and failed. If he survives into adulthood, he'll end up like his father, driving the whole world crazy. The two girls will grow up to be co-dependents. They're cute now, and I really wish them the best, but this is Earth, not Lord of the Rings. They'll find some loser who will treat them like garbage, get knocked up by him, marry him, and produce another generation fit only for the Jerry Springer show.
Magneta's storyMagneta was a hottie in high school. I'm saying this from pictures, not from experience, but these pictures don't lie. With looks like that, and a 130+ I.Q., she could have had her choice of men. Instead, she married a guy who makes Agneta's hubby look fun.
At home when only the family's around, Magneta's husband doesn't talk. He screams. The house might look spotless to you or me, but he'll find something wrong with it, then scream at his wife and kids to fix it. I guess doing it himself is too much trouble.
They got a higher batting average though. Magneta's son's a good kid. I personally like the kid. Her daughter on the other hand would make any parent's hair fall out. She's chronically depressed, cries at everything, has absolutely zero ambition, and is grossly obese. Unless they find a cure for diabetes, it's almost a given she dies in her 40s if her heart makes it that long.
How did her son turn out okay? Well, he was raised by his grandparents. When he moved back in with his parents in high school, he got so sick of them that he graduated early and got the **** out.
Shaky's storyMicrowaving small animals for laughs should have been a sign that something was seriously wrong with "Shaky." Or it could have been hearing voices at an early age. Or it could have been the fact that Shaky was partially retarded. Of course, it wouldn't be politically correct if we sterilized him, because if we did, the P.C. crowd would be going bonkers.
Shaky's in jail now. I couldn't tell you what for, because I don't know. I do know that somewhere out there are at least two little Shakys, maybe more. When he gets out of jail, you can bet your kid's college fund that he'll breed again, because Shaky likes having sex almost as much as microwaving small animals.
I'm sure though that those little Shakys will grow up to be fine, upstanding citizens, contributing to a better society. They'll grow up to find a vaccine for HIV, cure lung cancer, end both poverty and racism, and bring about world peace. And while we're dreaming, I want a pony.
Back in the old days, Shaky would have been sterilized. Now, it's a free for all where anyone who could get it up is free to piss in the gene pool, making sure we have more losers that yours and my tax dollars will have to take care of, whether it's welfare, psychiatric hospital visits, or jail. Plus, while the first two cases are just plain losers, Shaky's dangerous. He's been known to rough up a few old people who had the gall to get upset when he was busting into their houses to steal stuff. Oh yeah, that's what he's in jail for. My bad.
Now Agetha and Magneta should have been more careful who they bred with, especially Magneta who had things going for her. Because of their bad choices, we're stuck with another generation of losers, who will eventually beget more losers. I use Agetha and Magneta as warnings for those who are about to get married.
Do not breed with losers or your kids will be losers. I don't think it's too much to ask, is it?
Shaky on the other hand is the fault of the P.C. police who outlawed forced sterilization. Yeah, I know that some forced sterilizations were racist. I'm well aware of history. But by that token, police back in those days were racist. So do we outlaw police as well? That will work great.
Because of the P.C. police, Shaky's kids will grow up to be criminals, then they'll beget more criminals. Shaky should have been put in a loonie bin. If not, then he should have been sterilized. That cycle could have been stopped long ago, even before Shaky was born. I bet you can guess what kind of parents he had.
Where to draw the line?And that, my friends, is the million dollar question, where to draw the line. I'll tell you where. Where free will stops. Retarded folk and crazy people do not have free will. You and I have free will, they don't.
"But isn't Hitler..."
Yeah, that's what always happens. You make any point nowadays and the P.C. police bring up Hitler. No. Hitler wanted to kill people. I don't. I'm all for retarded citizens and crazy people living their lives the best they can. I just don't want them to breed, so we could put an end to this mad cycle.