Folks, I simply don't have time to blog anymore. I'll come back to announce when the first bar-be-ques are, but my main priority now is to get this business going. I'm tired of working to make someone else rich. It's time I worked to make the Zombieslayer family and closest friends rich.
I've told very few people about what the business is, because I'm tired of the jealousy. So many people are neurotic, and I'm simply tired of being around negative people. I am normal, and now have proof of it. ;)
I got a 12.12% (which is really good, the lower the better) on nonnormie.com's test. Take the test and read the site. It does a better job of exposing political correctness than I could, so my job is done. I'll let him take the flack and get called racist by sheltered and hypersensitive middle-class white people. Assuming I'm white is racist. Do they assume since I could write well, I must be white? Now, who's the f***** racist?
This country is on its way down, and it's for two reasons. The first is apathy. People just bitch, but don't do anything about it. The other is political correctness.
What I will say will offend people, but I'll say it anyways. I won't check up this site so go ahead and slander all you want. I'm out of here.
Losers are losers by choice. Winners are winners by choice. People who are successful are successful because they worked hard. Competition is a good thing. People who lose all the time need to try harder, and yes, they should be made fun of.
Schools waste too much time trying to be fair to everyone. Screw that. They should be creating leaders. There are two types of people in the world - leaders and followers. Sure, everyone has a little of both in them, but you have to admit that there are natural born leaders. What school does nowadays is try to bring down anyone with leadership tendencies. Because it's not fair that some people are better than others.
So sports are all but banned in school. I used to play tackle football during lunchtime. Not anymore. They use the excuse of injury to ban sports, but in truth, they know that sports have winners and losers, and they fear winners.
In the 90s, everything that is wrong became right and everything that is good became wrong. Kurt Cobain, the ultimate loser, became cool, while Hollywood made fun of anyone who was successful.
Alcoholics are losers. So are drug addicts. I can drink and stop, because I have control. I don't let things control me. I control them.
People who are on the streets begging me for money are losers. They made bad choices and now they have to deal with them. And one thing that pisses me off, is that so many of them came from richer backgrounds than I did. Proof of that is they have nice teeth. I don't. One of the first things I do when I get rich is we get our teeth fixed.
I'm not talking about people with bad health who are homeless. I'm talking about bums who are on the streets because they're either drunks, drug addicts, or give me a f***** break, depressed.
We are proof that America is still the land of opportunity. It is a good country. And I'm tired of hearing people complain how unfair it is. Sure, it's unfair. Nothing is fair. Deal with it. Grow the f*** up and stop complaining. If it's so bad, leave. Then you will see how good you have it here.
I've been a foreign exchange student. I've also spent a lot of time overseas. I strongly suggest that before you slam America, you leave it for a year at a time. Only then will you figure out how good we have it.
So stop complaining, and start using the gifts that God gave you. You are gifted, and you are blessed. When you figure that out, you will become successful at anything you want to be successful in. And if someone wants to bring you down, if someone is jealous of you, if someone ever says "you can't," ditch them. Lose them. Never talk to them again. You don't need negativity in your life.
I don't either. As cold as this is, my wife and I cut out over two dozen people the past year. We decided to only associate with winners.
As always, wishing you all the best. I'll be back, but if I'm going to maintain a good blog, I need to get my beauty sleep, which I'm not getting right now doing two full-time jobs, one of which I don't get paid for yet. Once I start getting paid for the other job, I could ditch this one and have time for blogging, because blogging to me is a lot of fun.