Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Your opinion is needed

One thing that really bothers me about some people is they want to silence any opposition to their beliefs. It happens with the Right, calling anyone to the Left of them "communists." It happens with the Left, calling anyone who disagrees with them "fascists." It happens with moderates calling anyone who disagrees with them "extremists." It especially happens with the P.C. types. I've done half a dozen posts already slamming the P.C. crowd, so I won't waste any more words on them in this post, for you already know how I feel about political correctness.

I stand on the Right side of the spectrum. I believe in less government, and believe people should make their own choices on personal matters. I fully welcome people to disagree with me, for I understand there needs to be opposition. No matter how good of a person you are and how good your intentions are, too much power with no opposition always leads to dictatorship. If a dictatorship is on the Left or the Right, it's still a dictatorship, and it's still going to suck.

One word of advice, stay positive. People get nowhere by whining. Even if you're right, and have a whiny tone to what you're saying, people will just turn away without hearing what you're saying. The environmental movement loses a lot of people because of their "sky is falling" tactics. I don't want to hear that, even if I agree with them on some issues.

One of the Kennedy sons, forgot if it was John Jr. or Robert Jr., saved several rivers back east by staying positive and saying that the river will clean out itself if companies stopped dumping in them. After suing some companies to stop dumping into the rivers, they cleaned up themselves and now you can fish in them again (and safely eat the fish).

Stay civil too. Anyone who calls me words, I'm just going to shut them out. They may have had something intelligent to say too. I don't care. Most people are like me in that respect.

And be persistent. One reason so many people hated Al Gore is because he was spineless. He seemed to get his political opinion by licking his thumb, sticking it in the air, and seeing which way the wind was blowing. People don't respect that, even if he was right on some issues. I initially hated him for who he married, but that's another post.

One thing that seriously bothers me about the current Administration is their attitude of "if you're not with me, you're against me." That's a very paranoid attitude, and we all know where paranoia leads.

So keep talking. If you're positive, civil, and persistent, you'll have listeners.


Blogger Udarnik said...

Mr. ZS:

I'm not trying to smack up or anyhting, but you have a pleasant way of stating your point of view... a positive way, that I cannot identify with... may I ask you or Mrs. ZS, "are you a patient man?"

I've listened to a lot of people on the radio over the last fifteen years from NPR to our local Marxist station, from Air America to Sean Hannity. I have to say that I think the reason Rush Limbaugh is at the top of the heap is because of his optimism... you can almost see him smiling through the radio. I mean, what else can explain his popularity when you consider his personal lifestyle/drama, his pointed criticisms and parodies?

You're right... the person with a positive or opimistic style or vision will lead many. People, deep down, crave unity and hope... it almost seems that someone, despite their message or ideology, who offers a vision or goal in a winning way, is guaranteed a following.

Frankly, as a fellow right leaner, I'm happy that the other side is so doggone unpleasant to listen to.

2/08/2006 8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with the 'with me or against me' atitude, especially in the light of the recent eviction of what I consider legitimate protesters. Be careful, folks! freedom of speech is goin' down the toilet, gradually but sure.

As an aside, ZS, to take a break from the worlds' troubles, go to't normally do this to anybody, but I'm married to tshsmom and I'm zkids dad.......enjoy!

2/08/2006 8:33 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bo - Limbaugh is also funny. There are times I completely disagree with him, but I could never hate him because he's made me laugh so many times.

People, deep down, crave unity and hope... it almost seems that someone, despite their message or ideology, who offers a vision or goal in a winning way, is guaranteed a following.

I totally think this. Look at Bill Clinton. The guy's charisma came from his smile. His default facial expression was a smile and I'm sure his attitude inspired many. I'm not talking about his politics, just his attitude.

Scrunch - Yeah, I read your entire family's blogs. Agree with you about the First. Freedom of Speech is taking attacks from all sides right now.

I'll check your blog tonight. :)

2/08/2006 8:39 AM  
Blogger lime said...

i could not agree more. the art of respectfully disagreeing seems completely lost in this culture. people are threatened by it, which is sad.

may i also add, if the only arguments a person has is to attack the opposition and list their shortcomings/faults then they are not worth my time. if you are going to disagree, sell me on the merits of your position, not the weakness of your opponent. it's ok to point out the weaknesses if you have a positive, practial alternative or at the very least are suggesting people come together to find one but don't make it the only drum you beat.

and yes, absolutely keep it positive. i call the dog catcher for the rabid ones foaming at the mouth.

2/08/2006 8:53 AM  
Blogger lime said...

oh, btw, thanks for the dietary tips. that is really interesting. olive oil as an external soak in tepid water was actually a thing my dermatologist told me about to soothe some really severe eczema. i also cook with it a lot myself. great stuff and good to know how it helped you

2/08/2006 8:55 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

one word.


2/08/2006 8:58 AM  
Blogger Udarnik said...

Yes, I find it ironic that Rush Limbaugh, a professional broadcaster is funnier and more winsome than Al Franken, a professional comedic writer and comedian. I think the Air America folks are overly ambitious in informing their audience... they try to educate their listeners, but don't seem to realize that, because of the restraints of commercial radio, they cannot rise to the level of NPR (totally biased in my opinion, but their sources have the credentials and they seem to do the research before they distort it :-). So, they are neither funny or informative. I find Sean Hannity is too negative, as you say, too abrasive... he's not too pleasant to listen to. Limbaugh seems to have the magic... I think that's the key to his success.

By the way... "are you a patient man?" This would help me to understand how you are able to be so fair and pleasant, in spite of your shameless hawking of your regressive, hateful, backwards notions :-)

2/08/2006 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well-said, Zombie. Even if you're right people don't want to listen to a whiner - especially in politics.

I honestly think that's why the left is having such a hard time getting people elected. They've taken the serious, whiny, doom and gloom platform and it's like fingernails on a chalkboard listening to them.

Say what you will about him, Bill Clinton was not a whiner and that's why he's the only Democrat who's been able to do anything in the past 20 years.

2/08/2006 11:25 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I'm with you all the way...

2/08/2006 12:25 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

You said a mouthfull here. My biggest complaint about Democrats is that they spend too much time hating the president and disagreeing with everything he does and says on principal alone, regardless of the merit of his assertions. The president came out with an agenda of pursuing alternative fuels, which had me jumping for joy. I thought the Dems would be doing the same, instead they chose to bash him for not going far enough. They need a dose of the medicine you are perscribing. If they would only stop crying about everything and civilly discuss the issues, I for one would listen. I saw Obama at the state of the union. He was listening intently, not smirking like Hillary. I had a lot of respect for his approach.

2/08/2006 1:03 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Many things bother me about the current administration. Not only the "Not with/against me" rhetoric Bush loves.

Furthermore, I can't understand how conservatives still support Bush even though his gov't is the biggest in history.

2/08/2006 1:07 PM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

That's why we love you ZS!!
I think that's what I hate most about all the recent elections. Nobody takes a stand on issues anymore; they just sling mud!

I've always been able to see both sides of any issue. I'll patiently listen to the other guys opinion IF they remain civil and have their facts straight.

That's why I get so exasperated with the abortion debate. Standing nose-to-nose screaming at each other accomplishes nothing!

2/08/2006 2:54 PM  
Blogger begins with v said...

I completely agree and this is something that I try to teach my students about writing agrument don't want to turn off half of your audience by stating some illogical fallacy in the beginning of your paper or some generalization such as "conservatives need to do such and such" or "liberals are such and such"

you definitley turn off your audience when you attack one point of view too harshly and then no one wants to listen to you...just like if a preacher says that you are going to hell for something

2/08/2006 2:59 PM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

"If you're positive, civil, and persistent, you'll have listeners."

God, I wish this were true in Canada. Freedom of speech is seriously undermined here by hate-speech laws. I staunchly defend anyone's rights to be an idiot and to be wrong, but in Canada being either can get you in serious trouble.

2/08/2006 4:01 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Lime - if the only arguments a person has is to attack the opposition and list their shortcomings/faults then they are not worth my time.

Nor mine. Very well said.

I hope the olive oil works for you.

Sadie - You're welcome. :)

Bo - Lol! Yeah, sorry I didn't answer you the first time. I'm very patient. Used to tutor children with learning disabilities. If that's not patient, I don't know what is. ;)

I've read two books by Limbaugh and two by Franken. Franken's first book was funny, but his most recent, something about Liars was horrible, because he lost the humorous satire and it was just one hateful thing after another.

Limbaugh is funny. Hannity doesn't keep his cool, so he loses me. Air America puts me to sleep.

Levi - They've taken the serious, whiny, doom and gloom platform and it's like fingernails on a chalkboard listening to them.

Totally agreed. And yes, you are right about Clinton. He was a positive person and he inspired people, that's why he was so loved. Same with Reagan. Both of them had a positive charm to them.

Saurkraut - Awesome. :)

Scott - It was Laura who introduced me to Obama. He's a happy camper and I really think the guy has a shot. People laugh when I say that positiveness really helps, but we're seeing a lot of people agreeing with this post.

Joe - I think conservatives keep telling themselves "at least Kerry's not in there." Bush makes Clinton look like Eisenhauer when it comes to spending. But then again, Clinton was able to balance the budget, Bush wasn't.

Tshsmom - That's why I get so exasperated with the abortion debate. Standing nose-to-nose screaming at each other accomplishes nothing!

And this is why I never bring up the a-word or the v-word (Vietnam War). People never debate those two things with any civility, so I just walk away if someone brings either up.

Slade - you definitley turn off your audience when you attack one point of view too harshly and then no one wants to listen to you

Totally agreed. I'm glad you do this in your classes.

I wish more people who graduate college would understand what a philosophical fallacy is, especially the argument ad hominem (sp?).

SME - You're awesome. I'm glad you understand this.

This is a position that not too many people are crazy about. I'm 100% the ACLU when they defend the Nazis and the Klans right to speak and to march. I don't believe any speech should be banned, unless it's inciting a riot, copyright violation, etc. Like you can't go around telling the world your ex's credit card numbers.

Even the Klan has a Right to speak, and yes, burn a cross. The latter only though if they do it on their own property. If they do it on mine, they'd be picking buckshot out of their *sses.

Why do I defend their Right to speak? Because it's a scary day when a gov't says who can and who can't speak.

2/08/2006 6:44 PM  
Blogger clothosfate said...


Once again you have renewed my faith in goodness on ALL sides. I am so with ya I am practically sitting next to you as you write. Positive attitude is ALWAYS the way to go. I know that people can not realistically be positive all the time, but if they have something important to do or say, then even if they are feeling like a pile of crap, they will have much much greater success if the try to keep it positive!!

2/09/2006 10:32 AM  
Blogger Miladysa said...

Well said :)

2/09/2006 11:16 AM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

Excellent point and very well written! I think I'd like to nominate you for President next time!

Anyone else care to join me?

Seriously, if politicians would leave politics out of everything - the world would be a better place.

2/09/2006 12:19 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

Well I have to say this in a civil way and persistant way, "I don't agree with you." (kidding)

No seriously; great post and you are 110% correct. Man when are you going to run for office? We need someone of your caliber.

2/09/2006 2:42 PM  
Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

I completely agree. It is safe to say that on many issues, I stand to the left, albeit slightly, of you. Yet I read your thoughts everyday. Why? Because I find them respectful, well thought out and intelligent. You are by no means a "sheep."

I am not reactionary and don't have time for those that are. Even strongly held opinions that are diametrically opposed to mine will get a willing ear if they are presented with a rational, respectful argument. AND, I have been known to be swayed by a well argued position.

Keep up the good work - I'll do the same. It is, after all, the same brick wall we're beating our collective heads against.


2/09/2006 3:39 PM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

You can't go around telling the world your ex's credit card numbers?! Oh *&%@#*!

2/09/2006 4:30 PM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

SME, I'm certain that they've taken away his credit cards by now. There's probably several hookers that are bankrupt as a result. ;)

2/09/2006 5:01 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Clothosfate - Yup. Good you said all sides because if there are only two sides to an argument, it must be a pretty simple argument.

Miladysa - Thanks.

Bar - Have too many skeletons in the closet to be President. But I'll run for Congress for sure.

Moni - I know my weaknesses and if I ran now, I'd be too tempted by the almighty dollar. I want to get rich first, so money wouldn't be an issue.

It's like Ross Perot can't be bought. Could you imagine someone trying to slip him $10,000 to get him to think their way? He'd laugh at them. So probably in eight years.

Mike - My wife is a "liberal Green." I actually have more readers that are Left of Moderate than Right. So I really could care less where an argument is coming from, as long as it's both civil and intelligent.

Plus, different things work for different people. For instance, in some working class jobs, Unions would be ideal for employees. Yet if you own a business, Unions would give you nightmares.

I've always said Labor and Capitalists must continually struggle. If Labor has too much power, nothing will get done. If Capitalists have too much power, Labor will be exploited.

SME - Well, you can tell me. ;)

Tshsmom - Lol!

2/09/2006 6:16 PM  
Blogger Leila said...

you're right-

there has to be oppostion or there can't be competition. Without competition there is no growth!

If you believe in something, you should be confident enough to let your opposition speak, shouldn't you? You're right, and the facts don't change whatever they say.

2/09/2006 7:39 PM  
Blogger funny bunny said...

" less government, and believe people should make their own choices on personal matters."... will totally agree with that one... i should say people should have a sense compassion for nature, animals and other beings:)

2/09/2006 7:46 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Leila - If you believe in something, you should be confident enough to let your opposition speak, shouldn't you?

Yup. That's why people with the most conviction sometimes are the most confused.

TC - i should say people should have a sense compassion for nature, animals and other beings:)

Yes, but this shouldn't be enforced by the gov't or else there will be resentment. I really think people are good inside, and if they're not forced to be good, they'll be more likely to be good.

It's like if a kid is forced to learn piano, he'll resent the piano. But if you buy a piano and play cool stuff on it, the kid will want to learn the piano.

2/09/2006 10:08 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Zombie: very true, all of it. I wonder what would happen if we all (the masses) focused on the big-picture problems, rather than so-called wedge issues that are designed to keep us fighting.

2/10/2006 9:04 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Laura - I wonder what would happen if we all (the masses) focused on the big-picture problems, rather than so-called wedge issues that are designed to keep us fighting.

Then we'd actually get things done.

2/10/2006 9:51 AM  
Blogger greatwhitebear said...

"One thing that seriously bothers me about the current Administration is their attitude of "if you're not with me, you're against me." That's a very paranoid attitude, and we all know where paranoia leads."

Dick Nixon, anyone?

2/11/2006 8:39 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

GWB - Yup. Tom Tomorrow had cartoon after cartoon of the stuff Nixon said. Nixon was a very disturbed man.

2/11/2006 10:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

One word of advice, stay positive. People get nowhere by whining.

Very good point. Too many people get nasty when trying to win an argument. Civility is key.

You rock, ZS. You have such class.
Top class blogging; that's what this blog is!


Thank you for always visiting my blog, even though I'm not always able to comment on yours. :)

2/12/2006 7:53 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bhakti - I absolutely love your attitude, that's why I keep coming back. As always, wishing you best.

2/12/2006 8:42 PM  

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