It's not luck
I knew a kid in high school who had childhood diabetes. He had to carry a special bag with him where ever he went and on more than one occasion, I've seen him shoot up insulin. As I've always been scared of needles, I did a little research.
The first thing that I found out was it's not contagious. But unluckily for me, it's an inherited disease. I found out that there are two types, the childhood type, which is bad luck, and the adult type, which is usually caused by obesity.
I've seen a lot of diabetics since then with missing legs. That really scared me, because I walk everywhere. Walking gives me time to think.
One thing I love about California is people here love the outdoors. We have an outdoors club at work, where a bunch of us go on long hikes. California puts aside a lot of acreage for outdoor lovers, which is really cool.
There's a girl at work who went with us once and complained that the hikes are too haaaard. So, she won't be joining us in the future which is too bad for me because her excess fat is in all the right places (for now at least), so she's always fun to walk behind.
The other day, she saw me eat lunch and was appalled by how much I ate. I did a post on losing weight awhile ago and I explained that you should have large breakfasts and lunches, but small dinners if you want to lose weight (or keep it off). Before I could explain that to her, she said "you're so lucky you could eat a lot and still be slim."
It's not luck, babe. For one, calories in versus calories out. I do a lot of exercising. It's not because I'm vain and want to have that California beautiful body. It's simply going back to the diabetes thing. I have it in my family, so I can't take chances with being fat. Or kind of like the old story of the guy who only started jogging after his father died of a heart attack.
I since then set her straight. It actually is one of my pet peeves to be told I'm lucky I'm slim, because nothing could be further than the truth. It's hard work, and I don't want to die just yet.
Now, I'm not a health nut. I hate health food and won't step foot in one of those health restaurants. Their food sucks and their clientele smell bad. I'll eat organic when the price is within reason, but if it's 25% more, I'll eat the pesticides instead. Plus, you know how much I love Carl's Jr, which I found out recently the burger I like has 920 calories in the burger alone. Yummy, but not something to do more than once a week.
It all goes back to calories in versus calories out. What I consume, I burn off. I've always been thin and always will be, because I'm simply too active not to be. I am thankful to have been given a somewhat healthy body and to have fully recovered from my past injuries. I can't take chances with my weight though because of the family diabetes history.