Thursday, November 17, 2005

Taking it back

Those who have been here for awhile know my background and understand my sense of humor and what I'm trying to accomplish. For those who are new, let me explain...

To make a long story short, I was born in the Mid-West, although I grew up in a refinery town in California. I had a wonderful childhood, although the town I grew up in was somewhat rough and my younger brother had horrible asthma, which miraculously disappeared when we moved.

As a child, I fought a lot and got horrible grades. But I also played a lot of sports. We were an active lot, and the same brother who had asthma came very close to making it into professional sports, for all we did on the weekends when we were kids was compete against everyone else.

In those days, we did things that would have gotten us expelled nowadays. Boys and girls chased each other constantly. I brought my knife to school all the time, and even when I got in fights, I would have never dreamed of whipping it out and using it on the guy I was fighting, for that would be wrong.

We told racist, sexist, and ethnic jokes all the time. As someone mixed-race and multi-ethnic, they more often than not hit me, but I laughed. We all laughed. They were funny jokes. Nowadays if my son did half the things I did when I was a kid, he'd be expelled from school because of political correctness.

Every year, we had the fat kid in class. We referred to him as the fat kid. He didn't attempt suicide or blame the world for his failures. He often was the funniest kid in the class and made us laugh more than anyone else, so everyone liked the fat kid.

Now you even mention a kid being overweight and you get threatened with a lawsuit.

The other major thing I noticed is when I was little, women smiled. I'd be walking with my father and we'd see a lady walking towards us. He would say "hello" and she'd smile at us both. Nowadays, crime has gone down dramatically since when I grew up, but everyone's afraid to talk to strangers.

Today, women drive behemoth vehicles because guess why? It makes them feel safe, and they never smile. The default facial expression on an American woman is not just a frown, but a huge frown. What the ****? Why is everyone so !@#$%^& uptight and unhappy? I don't get it.

Men are generally confused. They don't know how to really be men, to let loose, to enjoy themselves, to enjoy hanging out with the guys. Heck, half the men I know nowadays can't even change a !@#$%^& tire.

Why do people get offended so easily nowadays? And why do people always freak out when I tell them I picked up a hitchhiker? Or when I tell them I went shooting the other day, some people look at me like a psychotic maniac. I grew up with guns, was always around them, shot thousands of rounds, hunted and eaten animals, but would never dream of using a gun on a person unless that person was in my house trying to harm my family.

These things all bother me. People get offended too easily. They need to loosen up.

The other thing, let's bring back drinking and gambling at work. I remember even as a young kid winning a football pool at Dad's work, humiliating grown ups by picking 11 of the 14 football games right while everyone else picked nine or less. I threw in a dollar, which I earned, I painted curbs on my own time to have my own pocket change. Yes, as a child, I went door to door and sold my services to strangers. Won't happen nowadays, even though crime is considerably down from what it was when I was a kid.

I remember disappearing for the day with other latchkey kids. We would ride our bikes for miles, sometimes getting lost, then having to go to a stranger's house and asking to use their phone to call Dad. The stranger happily made the call.

Sometime in the 80s, but especially in the 90s, everything changed. People started getting therapy for everything and everyone became some kind of victim. Nobody dealt with their problems anymore and everyone else was to blame for their failures. The country suddenly went completely mad.

Suddenly, all strangers were sexual predators and you couldn't trust anyone, not even your neighbor. My music, my Dungeons and Dragons, and everything else I liked suddenly became the reason why my generation was so screwed up. The thing is, we weren't screwed up. We were just told we were screwed up. And we bought it.

So, that was the country I grew up in. I want my country back. And I'm going to take it back, no matter how many people I offend and no matter who gets in my way. For those with me, thanks. Let's laugh and enjoy life once more, the way it was meant to be.

And let's stop being afraid. Let's get to know our neighbors again. You might find there are some real good people that you would have never had the chance to meet had you kept your door closed.


Blogger Dusty said...

First thing, if you were a child in the 70's women drove behemoth vehicles then as well. A 1978 Lincoln Continental Towncar could eat most of the SUV's on the road. They are huge in size but low on structural integrity. (they are made like a two liter bottle)

We have become a nation of fear junkies. You don't talk to strangers (or at least most don't I do)because we are taught fear. You look at the news. The world is an EVIL place. I don't think it is any more evil than when I grew up. It is more publicized. We breathe, eat fear and suspect everyone.

Everyone whines there are no heroes left. There are plenty of them, they don't get air time unless they have a major scandal. We don't congratulate the goodness in the world any more. Com'mon who didn't want to become an astronaut? Can you name any current astronaut? Most can't. Can you name any of the ones that have died in an explosion? I bet if you couldn’t think of the name you said… The teacher…ummm…This is my point.

Men don't share information the way they did in the later decades. You knew how to change a tire. You taught your son how to change a tire. Not when he was driving, before when he was young.

When you live in a fear situation too long, the cracks begin to show. You act out. (School shootings)

11/17/2005 2:50 AM  
Blogger lime said...

thanks for this post. i appreciate getting know know you a bit more and why you are looking to slay the zombies. i totally agree, the loss of community is a tragedy. and the deep sense of community is one of the things i loved about living in trinidad. if ya wanna really freak people out regarding guns, try telling em you let your 12 year old DAUGHTER go deer hunting. she's almost 15 now and has gotten a deer each of the last 3 years. all of my kids help butcher. oh, and the oldest one is trying out for the rifle team at her school. hehehehe

11/17/2005 5:39 AM  
Blogger Bearette said...

"Let's bring back drinking and gambling at work"...hehe.

11/17/2005 5:54 AM  
Blogger begins with v said...

Yes, I'm afraid...but when looking at rape statistics I can't help but be afraid when I have to walk a mile to school in the dark because it is 7am. I constantly look over my shoulder, have my keys in my hands, and am ready for an attacker--I feel that womens' fears about these kinds of things are legitimate! In fact, more women should take precaution when walking alone any time of the day. I'm not saying let the fear consume you, but damn, be aware of your surroundings. (I know that you are not really saying anything against this, but I thought I needed to bring it up) The frowning needs to stop though...I agree.

Also, EVERYONE should know how to change a tire! Not just men.

And about political correctness--screw it! I am so exhausted with trying to keep up with the newest PC way of saying things or referring to people that I'm not doing it anymore...I never say African American because not all black people are from Africa...One of the new PC way of referring to people who are not white now is "person of color" F-this! It used to be "colored person" and now that is totally offensive to say so instead the best thing we could think of was "person of color"!!!??? Come on PC people, you can do better than that! Aren't all people "persons of color" I think it just groups all people who are not white into an "other" category and only further perpetuates divisions among people of all races.

sorry for the rant, but I feel better now...keep telling your jokes and fight "the man"

11/17/2005 6:24 AM  
Blogger Bsoholic said...

let's bring back drinking and gambling at work.

I second the motion!

11/17/2005 6:31 AM  
Blogger jenbeauty said...

The whole gun thing does not bother me. You going shooting is something that you like. Most middle americans, at least every 5 or so of 10 men I know are hunters or have hunted.

In regard to being frightened, I fall into that category. But it does depend on when and where, and what situation I am in.

If you have read my blog back a few months ago you would know we were held up at gunpoint. For several years I was a frightened bunny. Over time that fear faded slightly, but it is still in the back of my head.

What is really troublsome is that I have to have my dad carry around a POA when he is with the kids, make sure they know to tell anyone that this is their grandpa and that they know all his information. Believe it or not there was a woman that questioned him in a mall once. Fear is a powerful thing.

11/17/2005 6:56 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Frida - That was awesome, absolutely awesome. Thanks. Yeah, I remember the behemoth cars of the 70s, but they were cars. Nowadays, behemoth vehicles are considerably higher and more dangerous to motorcyclists and cars.

Yes, you are right on about the media. It dramatices the evil and refuses to mention the heroes.

Men don't share information the way they did in the later decades.

This is really sad. So many men today fail at being fathers by either not being there or, well, not being there. This needs to change.

Lime - That's cool about your daughter. I've known some women who shoot better than I do. Knew a woman who was a competitive shotgun shooter. She'd spend over a thousand on a shotgun.

We do need to bring community back. I had it when I was a kid, but even in places with "strong communities," we don't know our neighbors like we did when we were growing up.

Bearette - The reason is I think it will loosen people up and create stronger friendships. One of these days I'll have to do a separate post on it.

Slade - -I feel that womens' fears about these kinds of things are legitimate! In fact, more women should take precaution when walking alone any time of the day.

True, but as long as you're cautious and not paranoid. A cautious person will take the appropriate precautions, whatever you feel you need to do. Like take the safest route, arm yourself with a taser gun or whatever. A paranoid person will fear everyone and make the situation worse.

Stand up straight, look like you have business in the area. Things like that help.

And about political correctness--screw it! I am so exhausted with trying to keep up with the newest PC way of saying things or referring to people that I'm not doing it anymore

Handicapable. I thought it was a joke on South Park then found out it's the new P.C. way of calling someone who is handicapped. Sounds like an insult to me.

Person of color. Can't stand that one either. We all have color.

Keep ranting, that's what this site if for. I want to keep it as open as possible, where people could say whatever they want.

Everyone who comments here is more intelligent than they realize. Everyone has something to say and you all have taught me a lot since I started this.

Bsoholic - let's bring back drinking and gambling at work.

I second the motion!

Anyone willing to third the motion? ;)

Jenbeauty - Well, you have legitimate experience. Statistically, the people who are the most paranoid are the folks least likely to be affected by it, the ones who will statistically never be victims of a crime other than bike theft or someone else's dog going doo doo on their lawn. This is something I learned from my sociology professor.

I think I started reading your blog when you were talking about racing, so I might have come on later. Either that or my memory is failing me again. :(

11/17/2005 8:26 AM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

You'll be pleased to hear the guys my boyfriend works with brought both gambling and drinking back to the workplace! Although technically I don't think it ever LEFT their workplace...

I think Canadians are a bit smilier than most Americans, at least in some areas of the country, but I have to admit I don't smile at men on the street for the same reason I don't pat stray dogs - I don't want them following me around! However, I smile at ALL seniors and children.

11/17/2005 8:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I loved your entire post. However, I will just comment on the part where you talk about how your music (did you listen to Priest, by the way?? Do it! Do it! :P )and Dungeons and Dragons were the reason for all of the chaos amongst kids...Let me just pull a Frank Zappa quote out of my hat for you (you gotta love this guy...he was such an extraordinary social commentator):

Consider the fact that there are more love songs in the world than any other type of song...If music has such an influence on peoples lives, we'd all be loving each other by now.


I wrote a song about dental floss: does that mean everyone is walking around with clean teeth?

you get my point...rock on Zombie slayer!!!

11/17/2005 8:45 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

SME - I think Canadians are a bit smilier than most Americans

Well, you know Canada way more than I do, but from when I've been there, so many, many more smilers. Plus, Canadians know how to have a good time, something Americans are losing. They think they need to pay to have a good time.

Bhahkti - Judas Priest is my fav band of all time.

Consider the fact that there are more love songs in the world than any other type of song...If music has such an influence on peoples lives, we'd all be loving each other by now.

I loved Zappa. Not his music necessarily, but the guy. He was such a well-spoken guy and his quotes were wonderful. that one was right on.

11/17/2005 8:59 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

ZS - I can understand what you're saying. Even though I didn't grow up in quite the same world as you, it wasn't so radically different. We rode our bikes after school and would be gone until the sun went down (as long as our chores and homework were done), with not much concern for safety. We knew all our neighbors, even though we lived out in the country. I am usually nice to people I meet on the street, but I am careful too. How many guys out there (even the seemingly scrawny ones) could overpower me on a dark street at night? There are good reasons for women to be careful. Now, as far as the political correctness, I have to agree - I hate having to watch what I say for fear of a lawsuit. It's past the point of all reason. Not sure about gambling and liquor at work - certain jobs don't lend themselves to that. :-P

As far as women frowning more, I chalk it up to fulltime jobs AND juggling the family. It simply didn't used to be that way and it's a big stressor. Women have had to be their OWN superheroines because we are slowly learning that we can count on one person to take care of us - ourselves. My step-dad taught me to change tires, dig ditches, chop wood, shoot a gun and all the "guy" stuff - I never thought of it as a "role" after that. I don't think that's a horrible thing and I don't think it NEEDS to lead to men being less in-charge. I see a lot of "in-charge" men out there - I'm shoulder-to-shoulder with them on the road each morning. :-P

The thing that brings me back to your blog, even though you and I don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, is that you're respectful when we don't agree. I don't have the expectation that everything you say is what I will like to hear, and that's okay. Keep on with what you're doing. :-)

11/17/2005 9:14 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

What a fascinating post. That's the way MY childhood was, too. But I see it very differently.

The stats that I see show that crime is down somewhat. However, reported crimes may have gone up. I think that, as a whole, our society is now more conscious of just what makes a crime, and how severe it is (and when it's time to report it).

For instance, children who were molested were often ashamed and never told their parents. And parents never knew what to look for, or what to tell their children just in case it happened. Now, children are more forthright about it if and when they're molested, because they know that it's OK to tell and that they should tell.

I was never molested, incidentally, but I knew a child who was (in the 70s) and when it went to court, her father (the molester) won back custody of her because, in her fear, she recanted. The same injustice wouldn't happen today.

Although I had the same childhood as you, I saw it completely differently. Now my daughter goes to a school where there is less racial tension, more acceptance of others. When *I* went to school, the nerds were always picked on. Blacks were always seen as ignorant and trouble-makers and kept to themselves. Fat kids were alwaysseen as losers, not the funny guys. And I wonder if your fat kids may have only been funny because they were willing to poke fun at themselves.

There are many different angles to view the past from, and many different lenses to look through. My lenses weren't rosy. I think I'm as objective as possible in what I'm reporting.

I also think of the issue of guns. I grew up with them too, and I'll bet I can shoot as well as you do. I have no prejudices against them. But I see that more women than men do. I think that's the way it always was, though. I remember (in the 70s again) that there were women who would say (in a shocked tone of voice) that they would never have a gun in their house. "Never?" I would ask... "Not even if someone was breaking in to kill you, like the Manson family?" "Never," she would reply, as if it was a mortal sin to know how to shoot to kill someone who would willingly kill you. Yup, there were flakes then, just as there are now. The reason there may be more is that Hollywood and the press have done their best to scream about how even possessing a gun is wrong. It isn't.

So, there's a little of my thoughts for the morning. I'm now crawling back to bed to recuperate.... ;o)

11/17/2005 9:34 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Sometimes when I read your posts, I feel like you are my reflection, some of the best parts of me. I admire your clarity, how see the world changing and becoming something we all don't like, and yet you remain optimistic--and better still, you spread the word and try to give hope. Because there is hope if we all think there is.

I hope that you do run for office someday, as you have said you will. Hopefully you can speak as well as you write.

I too long for the days when you could play football in the neighbor's yard, when a dog could run without a leash, and the humor was crude but tolerated. All this repression creates the environment that we complain about. Instead of telling a racial joke, the tension that would have been released like air from a pressure cooker, it is stored until it explodes.

I've heard a similar message from Dennis Miller, a passage of which I may have posted on your blog earlier--I can't remember. I'll try to find a link and post it later.

11/17/2005 9:41 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

While I agree with most of your post, I have to say that as a woman, there is some nuance to addressing strangers in the street. If someone simply says hello, that's fine. But if the guy is LEERING while he does it, or compliments me on my "Nice melons" (yes that happens) - I don't take kindly to that. If someone is addressing me with RESPECT, I have no problem with that. More often than not, that is NOT what I experience as a woman walking down the street. And unlike popular portrayals of black or hispanic men as the leer-ers, I find it's usually white, meathead fratboys.

I do think people need to be less sensitive, and more personable.

I wonder, how do you see electronic communication as a factor in that? It's gotten to be where we don't have to converse directly with another human being if we don't want to.

I also think it's a driving force in consumerism - if we all got together and connected with people different from ourselves, the upper 1% would be fucked.

11/17/2005 9:56 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

If they brought back gambling and drinking at work,... wow.

That would be great.

I guarantee I run that company into the firggin' ground!

11/17/2005 11:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh man...I LOVED Priest when I was a teenager! My favorite song to play on the drums guessed it: Living After Midnight!!

If more people had voted for Zappa in the 2000 presidential election, we wouldn't be in this mess, 'cause I still contend that he'd a done a better job dead than these cats are doin' alive.

11/17/2005 12:26 PM  
Blogger begins with v said...

handicapable???? Are you effing kidding me?

I can't believe this

11/17/2005 1:48 PM  
Blogger begins with v said...

oh yeah...I tend to say "midget" sometimes when referring to midgets, and then I found out that this is very offensive and the term is "little people"

I find "little people" way more offensive, but then again I'm not one so I guess my opinion doesn't count on that one.

11/17/2005 1:49 PM  
Blogger clothosfate said...

I am the kind of woman who would have smiled at your Dad... I love to smile and I feel very strongly that it can only breed good feelings.

I also agree with slade that sexual predadtors and violence against women is a real thing that women need to be aware of... a solution, self-defense classes. Taking these classes will give you the confidence that deters any predator.

Fear is a rich surrender of power and the power hungry know this, so they feed the fear that lives in all of us. Whenever I am afraid of something, I face that fear and challenge myself to overcome it... I refuse to live my life dictated by what I fear. As Jewel put it "fill your lives with love and bravery, and we shall lead a life uncommon".

I am with you Zombie man, all the way. I too remember riding my bike everywhere with my cousins, walking for over half an hour to the public swimming pool in the summer... crossing busy streets and all. And school have got to get their noses out of the fucking clouds (or the political parties asses)and remember that if you put a group of 8 year olds in an institutional setting for 5 hours of a day with only one 15 minute recess and a 45 minute lunch, they are not going to just STOP being 8. We are not trying to raise robots... or at least we 'the people' (the parents, the workers, the shoulders upon which the wealthy stand)are not.

11/17/2005 2:08 PM  
Blogger Okie said...

Can I get an amen! Preach on, brother Zombie Slayer!

11/17/2005 2:34 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

Very well said Zombie! We have become a nation of victims. I think the media has a lot to do with it. As Frida said, there are hero's, they just don't get any airtime. All we're fed from the media is discouraging news.

They sensationalize a bit too much why?...because tragedy sells. I'm not saying that it's all the media's fault, but they play a huge part in instilling fear into the American psyche.

Case in point; some friends of my ex inlaws came to visit from England. They were visiting a sleepy little suburban town in Virginia. No one could figure out why the visitors wouldn't go out of the house. Until finally they were asked and they responded with the fact that they were frightened of being shot in a drive by shooting! A lot of foreigners have this image of America and Americans. The media perpetuates it, it's a shame.

I remember the days when I would play at a friend's house or roam the neighborhood playing with other kids. You know it's sad now, but I will say that I'm afraid sometimes for my daughter to play in the yard. Especially after I hear stories of kids being abducted from their own front yards. Not good for the kids because they don't use their imaginations and are glued to the tv/gameboy. Maybe one reason for the rise in obesity in American children is that they don't run and play as much anymore. Not only do we lose our future artists, muscians, and writers, but the physical health of our nation suffers also.

I don't know what should be done about this. Maybe a good old fashion return to family values is in order? Okay,I've rambled enough. ;) Very thought provoking post, of course I wouldn't consider anything less from you. :)

11/17/2005 3:31 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Notta - Not sure about gambling and liquor at work - certain jobs don't lend themselves to that.

Well, obviously not a pilot job. But I see no reason why a bunch of accountants, finance people, or computer nerds can't have a beer or two Friday afternoon at work. It would make morale so much better.

The thing that brings me back to your blog, even though you and I don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, is that you're respectful when we don't agree.

I try to be as open tent as possible. I rarely dislike someone in person, and am pretty much the same person on the blog.

Anyone can be overpowered if the bad guy got the jump. And yes, even Bruce Lee could be beaten if he walked down the street and someone suddenly hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat. But we are living in fear of strangers, which is really unhealthy.

Crime is actually way down from when I was a kid, yet nowadays parents don't let their kids do anything. It's killed Halloween, which used to be a blast when I was a kid.

I want to see more love, more friendships betweeen neighbors, more dialog between everyone. America used to be a "nice" country. Now it's a "scared" country.

Saurkraut - A good response. Yeah, crime is definitely different. Very true about the whole thing about sexual molestation. But murder has gone down, and that's something that isn't disputable.

Funny, as a gun nut, I really wanted to see Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Even he admitted that violent crime is down 20% since 1970, yet media reporting of it is up 600%. Then he went to Canada and found that a lot of people don't even bother locking their doors. They're not paranoid like we are.

When *I* went to school, the nerds were always picked on. Blacks were always seen as ignorant and trouble-makers and kept to themselves. Fat kids were alwaysseen as losers, not the funny guys. And I wonder if your fat kids may have only been funny because they were willing to poke fun at themselves.

Yes, there was racism, but it was in the open. Nowadays, people are closet racists. Behind closed doors, they'd talk about horrible things they'd like to do to other races, yet smile in their face.

I actually enjoyed being a minority. Folks had their pre-conceptions of what to expect of me and I always surprised them.

The "fat" kid learned to be witty. The "nerds" all got rich. If everyone is super nice because they're scared to offend, we'll end up living in a fake world.

The problem is people fear adversary. I look forward to it as a challenge. We moved constantly so I had to learn how to make friends in a matter of days, which I learned how to do, despite looking different from the other kids. And I think it was a good thing. I wouldn't be half as successful as I am today if I had it easy and was sheltered because everyone was afraid to offend me.

I hope that all makes sense.

Scott - Instead of telling a racial joke, the tension that would have been released like air from a pressure cooker, it is stored until it explodes.

Exactly. When we could laugh about our differences, it brings us together. When we are ashamed of our differences, it will full us full of guilt which will eventually breed hate.

Yeah, I will run for public office. Unfortunately I'll be in a high cost area so will have to be able to outspend my opponent. That's why I'm not ready yet. And yes, I love public speaking.

Laura - You make two interesting points. The first is how some guys need to grow up and respect women more. Won't argue with you there.

The other is electronic communication has driven us apart. I think it has and it hasn't, but it's used as an excuse not to talk to people.

Someone, I think it was Slade, was mentioning how kids would get out of class and immediately flip open their cell phone instead of talk to the guy or chick next to them.

Joe - I'm convinced morale would go way up. My father was saying that they drank on Fridays. I think that's a great idea. His work buddies used to come over to the house all the time. He had close friendships with the folks at work. This country is losing that.

Bhakti - If more people had voted for Zappa in the 2000 presidential election, we wouldn't be in this mess, 'cause I still contend that he'd a done a better job dead than these cats are doin' alive.

Sometimes the less they do, the better. By the way, I could play "Living After Midnight" on the guitar.

ZL - Have you listened to Carlos Mencia's CD? He's got one about how messed up this country is because everybody is too concerned with being PC, and nobody can take a friggin joke anymore!

No, but I watched his t.v. show the other night and laughed. He's not as talented as Dave Chappelle, but I appreciate what he's trying to achieve. He makes fun of everyone, and is extremely un-PC.

Slade - I always thought "midget" was a technical term, like dwarf is. Geez, is there anything people won't be offended by?

The other new thing, the PC types want to use "exceptional" for retards. Exceptional as a term is supposed to mean one level below genius. This is so stupid.

The thing is, retards don't get offended by being called retarded. It's the PC types who get offended.

Clothosfate - I also agree with slade that sexual predadtors and violence against women is a real thing that women need to be aware of... a solution, self-defense classes. Taking these classes will give you the confidence that deters any predator.

Very true. Women need to realize that they don't have to be victims. I'd hate to mess with anyone who knew how to use a K-Bar (a Marine fighting knife, those things are awesome). That includes women, but women don't realize that it includes women because too many are in that victim mindset.

Fear is a rich surrender of power and the power hungry know this, so they feed the fear that lives in all of us. Whenever I am afraid of something, I face that fear and challenge myself to overcome it... I refuse to live my life dictated by what I fear.

Me too. I used to have a genuine fear of heights. So I forced myself to rockclimb. I'm still scared, but just learned not to look down. I've almost died once and almost broke my leg another time, but I'm glad I did it so I would learn to overcome my fears.

We are not trying to raise robots

Right on! We all need to understand that kids sometimes just need to be kids.

Ed - Can I get an amen! Preach on, brother Zombie Slayer!

Thanks. I'm glad there are good folks out there who agree with this.

Moni - We have become a nation of victims

Yup, and you're right on that it's not a conspiracy, but rather because tragedy sells.

Maybe one reason for the rise in obesity in American children is that they don't run and play as much anymore. Not only do we lose our future artists, muscians, and writers, but the physical health of our nation suffers also.

Whoa! That could be an entirely new post. :)

11/17/2005 7:12 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bridget - I just missed you. You must have posted right when I posted.

I go around grinning ear to ear ALL the time, driving or not. It gets me puzzled looks but am a truly happy soul and don't care if I look like a grinning idiot. So what?

Me too. I've had people give me weird looks because they're so insecure they think I'm laughing at them. Dumbasses.

As for Truly Tasteless Jokes, loved those. Dad gave me a bunch of those books for Christmas.

11/17/2005 7:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WE could start a band!! Yes...we'll call it The Compassionate Zombie-Slaying Meditators and we'll spread world peace and intelligence extraordinaire with our opening mantra: SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE!!! ...and then we'll break the law!

Kids will succomb to the subliminal messages (DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!)...except instead of committing ungodly acts of violence and suicide, the kids will be thrown into wild yogic postures and become enlightened!
The PMRC could never lay a finger on us!!!

11/17/2005 7:57 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bhakti - I'm really starting to like you more and more. You crack me up.

My kid's favorite video is Breaking the Law which even in the 80s was painful to watch. But now, I'm seeing it in a different light and starting to like it.

Fav albums - Screaming for Vengeance and Defenders of the Faith. I've heard them both probably 200 times each, possibly closer to 300 times.

11/17/2005 8:14 PM  
Blogger Scumbag said...

go here to see shs' fight. we also link to this website.

if the link doesn't work, go to that site and find the ATLANTA THROWDOWN. it'll be under downloads. shs's fight is called kickahippie vs. kiev or something like that. shs is the one in the white. the match was stopped b/c the fuckass he was fighting jabbed his thumb in his throat (which is against the rules of an MMA fight).

11/17/2005 8:51 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Shane - Geez, was hoping your friend would kill that punk. he really seemed like a punk. Your friend did a real good takedown, just didn't balance correctly when he had the full mount. If he kept the mount, he should have been able to pummel that punk until he was out. Oh well.

Your friend fought too much like a Gentleman. I'm sure he's a nice guy in real life. He reminds me of a lot of good martial artists I've known. He should have clobbered the punk when that kid dropped his hands and started dancing around like a monkey. That guy was disrespectful.

11/17/2005 11:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

First, I love a fighter. Makes you feel protected.

Second, here's my experiences when trying to be friendly. I can smile at another girl and not worry, though you get the occasional bitch that looks at you like you're stupid. BUT, smiling at someone of the opposite sex just ain't easy. The boyfriend gets insecure and thinks you're flirting. If you're not with the boyfriend the guy you smile at thinks you're flirting. The guy you smile at, his girlfriend thinks your flirting and now wants to kick your ass. Cheating and insecurity and insecurity because of cheating is at an all time high. So it's hard to be friendly. I still smile if I make eye contact.

But, I'm totally with you.

And I CAN change a tire. I know, I know, I'm so multi-talented. Bah!

11/18/2005 12:27 AM  
Blogger Miladysa said...

Dear Sir

I have great pleasure to announce that you are today's FBF (Fit Bit Friday) Winner!

I am unable to present your Tiara here as the comment rules do not permit. Please drop me an email and I shall send the code for the Tiara by return.

Congratulations and many thanks to all your wonderful supporters for voting!

11/18/2005 12:33 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Jenn - First off, that's one surreal avatar. I kind of like it.

As for smiling, I never knew it was that complicated. Have we become a Jerry Springer society or what? :(

Miladysa - Many thanks. I'm deeply moved. I'll shoot you an email. :)

11/18/2005 12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Zombie, I won't be posting a ton, cus the holidays swamp me, but when I can, I'll check in with you and the Bloglings.
I couldn't resist addressing your insights on the changes in our culture. I hesitate to, because I know you think porn is a freedom, and a normal pleasure people indulge in. ( I don't think your'e a perv, I've just noticed this from time to time in your posts.) I think the internet and the availablility of porn has really defiled, corrupted and threatened our lives. It's addictive, and progressive. (What was a thrill last year doesn't quite get it this year)
I know you have a son, I have 3 daughters besides Levi. Two of them are single and dating age and it really bums me out to think of them getting in the car with a guy who's probably been addicted to porn since he was old enough to be left alone with the computer.
But back to the fear and defensive looks on women's faces... I really think this has something to do with it. In 100% of sexual crimes against children and women, there's porn involved. It's hard to be comfortable in a society were the ones who are supposed to be protecting us are fantasizing about raping, beating, and killing us in their off hours. Wer'e just protective.
I'm not a man-hater, I love men, I want only men presidents, I want my husband to lead our home. But, I really think the availability of crap is destroying many of them and their honor.

11/18/2005 10:46 AM  
Blogger United We Lay said...

The neighbors thing is part of the reason why we moved back home. In Fl, even though we tried to introduse ourselves to our neighbors, no one spoke to each other. We've been back home a week. Practically everyone in the houses closest to us has dropped by to introduce themselves. People talk to each other in line at the supermarket. People hold doors open for each other. I've always heard about southern hospitality, but it seems to me that people are nicer up north. And a lot less racist.

11/18/2005 1:57 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Michele - The problem with porn is the same as the problem with alcohol. Some folks are addicted to it, some rent a porn flick once every six months with a bunch of friends and laugh together.

I have seen porn addiction. Knew several people who don't bother meeting anyone because they sit around all day and download porn. Several of them are highly intelligent and it's a shame.

I've also seen porn that is violent. I hate that stuff, but I really think the problem is family values. My father taught me that degrading women and beating women were very bad things, so when I first started looking for porn in my teens (about a decade before I even knew what porn was), I was turned off by any of the sadism porn. I thought it was gross.

I simply don't let Junior get on the internet. I know it's dirty. It was originally written for adults to do research. Actually, I take that back. It was originally written by the military and handed over to universities. I don't think kids should go on the internet, period, just like kids shouldn't see movies that glorify violence.

Those are my family values though. Junior respects them, and with that, I'm sure he'll respect women when he becomes older as I respect his mother/my wife.

PC - I'm starting to think I wouldn't mind living in Penn. That's where you moved to, right? Everyone I've ever met from there I've liked.

11/18/2005 6:03 PM  
Blogger United We Lay said...

Yes, we grew up here, as well. God only knows why we left. We're right outside of Phila., which is an excellent location. by driving two hours we can get to: New York City, Washington D.C., the Jersey shore, the Pocono mountains, or Amish Country. It's a great place to build a school because there is a wealth of hands-on knowledge to be had within a 100 mile radius.

Pennsylvania is a friendly state for one reason: the Quakers. This state was founded by Quakers, still has the largest population in the country, and had retained it's "friend" status. People are nice to each other because they're expected to be. A stranger will scold someone if they don't hold a door open. The most heard line: "What, you can't speak?" Everyone talks to everyone. Most of the state is very community oriented, but especially in Deleware, Montgomery, Bucks, and Berk counties. We will NEVER leave here again, unless it's to move to Europe for a job.

It's a very solid state. Even the ground feels more firm. It is in the top 5 education states int he country, so much so that teachers need a Master's degree to even be considered for a job (even in most private schools). Politicians are held SUPER accountable. Pennsylvanians expect accountability and transparency in government and they get it. When they don't, there is HELL TO PAY. Besides that, it is a union state, which can be bad if the union is corrupt, but it is great for teachers and health care professionals who are paid fairly and receive the benefits their position deserves.

I'm not saying we're perfect here, but we're doing pretty well. And in the next 5 years, a lot of teachers will be retiring, so it would be easier for Mrs. Z to get a job. Z Jr. would get an excellent education, and PA has some of the best colleges, state and private, in the country.

11/19/2005 6:52 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

PC - Thanks for the info. I love Quakers. Excellent people they are.

One thing I've noticed about Pennsylvanians is their default facial expression is a smile and their default stance with strangers is a welcome. I like that.

I could see that coming from the Quakers. We had a few Quakers here, but unfortunately, only a few.

Politicians are held SUPER accountable. Pennsylvanians expect accountability and transparency in government and they get it. When they don't, there is HELL TO PAY.

That's really cool. California is starting to wake up a little. We kicked Gray Davis out, who was as corrupt as they come. But then we replaced him with Schwartzeneggar, who was much weaker than several candidates I would have taken over him.

He's better than Davis, but that's like saying "well, at least the Packers are better than the 49ers this year."

People here don't care enough. They let too much slide, and that's why CA is so screwed up. the majority of Californians don't even bother voting. You will see pockets where it's different though.

In Chico, it's very politically active. I've had conversations with perfect strangers about whom we liked and whom we didn't like on the city council.

11/19/2005 9:59 AM  
Blogger exMI said...

Gadzooks, too much to comment on but you are right.

Oh yeah. Polanco, Florida is not part of the south anymore. Geography has been subdued by imigration.

11/19/2005 7:49 PM  
Blogger greatwhitebear said...

zs - great post!

frida - what neighborhood di YOU grow up in? In my neighborhood people drove Pintos and Vegas and VW Beatles and Rabbits. You almost never saw a woman drive a pick up, and seldom even the big boats like the Pontiac Catalina or and Olds 88.

Women smiled more because they weren't constantly trying to prove the were as good as men. Back then we all knew they were better then men.

Somehow, we have turned a good thing, a human being persuing their talents, hopes and dreams, into an ugly competition. Women have lost sight of the fact that if a man looks at you it is a compliment, and turned it into a gross insult. Rather than celebrate our differences, our equal but different traits, we criminalize them. It just sucks.

okay, no more rant!

11/20/2005 6:00 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

GWB - Somehow, we have turned a good thing, a human being persuing their talents, hopes and dreams, into an ugly competition. Women have lost sight of the fact that if a man looks at you it is a compliment, and turned it into a gross insult. Rather than celebrate our differences, our equal but different traits, we criminalize them. It just sucks.

Wonderful rant. I have opened doors for women only to be lectured. I have smiled at women in an innocent way only to be given dirty looks. Miss the old days when we actually got along.

Exmi - No argument here. The P.C. police call anyone who suggests any kind of immigration enforcement racist. I want the best of the best, not everybody. I can't speak for Polanco Consulting, but I think she and I agree on this.

11/20/2005 10:46 AM  
Blogger United We Lay said...

"One thing I've noticed about Pennsylvanians is their default facial expression is a smile and their default stance with strangers is a welcome. I like that"

How true! I guess that's just how we was raised!

My expereince in FL is proof to me that it is definitely the "deep" south as far as religion, racisim, and education are concerned.

11/20/2005 2:56 PM  

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