Monday, November 14, 2005

Packers win!

This weekend went really well. The Packers upset the Falcons, the team who will probably represent the NFC in the Super Bowl and go on to lose to the AFC team.

Saturday, went to a wedding. Mrs. Z was a bridesmaid and looked stunning. Of course yours truly brought the camera and forgot it in the trunk. I told you I suffer from CRS. It's because I've been exceedingly busy, so busy I have yet to finish my cartoons of Slade and Jenn.

Back to the wedding. Mrs. Z's girlfriend just got married. The guy's a saint. Every Christmas, he goes to nursing homes and sings Christmas Carols to the elderly folks. It really makes their days, for I don't think I need to explain how old people are treated in this country. I'm guilty too, so I'm not pointing the finger at anyone in particular.

I went to the record store today to buy a Thalia album and review it, but I just can't bring myself to spend $16.99 for a CD. I'll have to download some of her hits from the iTunes store instead to get a feel for what she sounds like.

We're currently watching Star Wars III. I think R2-D2 has a soul. Watch the movies again and notice the importance of R2-D2. He thinks on his feet and always manages to save the day. I'd love to have a little droid like that to fight zombies with.

Although not the greatest of dialogs, listen to the dialog carefully. Lucas's political message is quite clear. He warns of a power grab sold to us as a security measure and a promise for peace. Sound familiar? Okay, I need to put this laptop down and watch the movie...

By the way, Bhakti has nominated me for a Blogger prize. Please go to Miladysa's site and vote for me. I want one of those. :)


Blogger Unknown said...

First, I went to go vote for you, but I didn't know where I was supposed to vote.

Damn you. Quit forgetting the camera! Sheesh.

Don't worry about the cartoon. I'm honored that you thought of me in the first place! Time is of the essence and I'm sure it'll be worth it.

I love my grandma.

Thalia? Hmm... Hey, when you say review, you mean here? For work? At a site? Hook me up on reviews! I'd TOTALLY take YOUR advice. Speaking of reviews, I had pulled together parts of what others had said about The Mars Volta "Frances the Mute" but it had been so long, didn't know if you still wanted to know. I had found a video for my blog of my favorite song off that album.

I'm a slacker on Star Wars. I know, I'm a loser.

11/14/2005 3:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I left you something in my blog in my sidebar. =)

11/14/2005 4:44 AM  
Blogger Udarnik said...

Watch the movies again and notice the importance of R2-D2. He thinks on his feet and always manages to save the day. I'd love to have a little droid like that to fight zombies with.

I used to have a little droid with soul, Emma, who followed me around and helped out a lot. Now she lives in North Carolina. *sniff-sniff*

11/14/2005 6:13 AM  
Blogger jenbeauty said...

Um...some days I am a little dippy but I am not sure how to vote for you there!

I used to Christmas Carol at nursing homes in HS and college. My Granny is now in one here in my city. Maybe I can get my daughter's school to have some in her class go sing to them. Thanks for the reminder.

11/14/2005 7:08 AM  
Blogger Bsoholic said...

I love R2-D2 (especially in III). He does always save the day, in all of them really. He's some sort of special R2 unit, unlike the others. Must have a soul, I think you're on to something.

11/14/2005 7:22 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

First of all, congrats on the Packers win. I am always happy for the Packers and Favre when they win. As far as the Falcons representing the NFC, I say thee nay my friend. They aren't getting any love whatsoever, but you mark my words, the Cowboys will "surprise" everyone. I quote that because the evidence is there, but everyone refuses to see it. I saw a feature on the Chargers, who have lost all their games by a thin margin, and are considered a great team. The Cowboys, who have lost mostly by a field goal in any of their three losses, are off the pundit radar, and have mostly young players that are maturing as the season progresses. I know you hate them, but they don't need to be loved. They will win.

As for Star Wars, I saw it last night again, and I have to say that it really sucked. The dialog is more than awful, it's an embarassment. The Jedi are the most overrated bunch of losers in the universe. On one hand they can see something right before it happens, and the next a key witness gets a poison dart in the neck right under their noses. And since when are stormtroopers any match for a Jedi? This movie should put a cap on the whole business of Star Wars that took a clever story rife with mystery and created all sorts of impossible situations. We see a young Obi Wan deliver baby Luke to the slightly younger Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, yet seventeen or so years later Ben will become the crusty old hermit. Talk about losing your looks!

And the political analogy made in the movie was embarrassing. But what the hell right? Lucas delivered a beautiful movie, albeit too visually loud and overdone, but destroyed a saga.

11/14/2005 8:14 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bsoholic - Heh. I think that should be a new post. "Does R2-D2 have a soul?"

Jenbeauty - That's so cool of you. I'd like to do it this year with them. As for voting, I think you just comment in the comments section.

Bo - The bad thing about being a parent is they grow up. :(

Seems like only yesterday Junior was a toddler. Before long, he'll be in college and we'll be stuck with his dogs.

ZL - Record companies (are they still called that?) piss and moan about falling sales and try to blame it on piracy and everything else they can think of instead of realizing that people don't buy CD's anymore because most of them are crap, and who wants to take out a second mortgage to buy a CD that's loaded with crap????

Well said. Yeah, music companies, put out some decent CDs and we'll buy them. I still buy lots of CDs a year, but none of them are in the top 40 list unfortunately.

Jenn - I'll get that cartoon done. I'm just slow. Yeah, just go to the site and vote in the comments section.

Don't worry, I'll keep writing those reviews. Love doing them.

11/14/2005 8:15 AM  
Blogger lime said...

r2 is a cool character, and for the life of me i STILL can't figure out what padme saw in that whiny anakin that made her willing to give up her career and sit around being am abandoned hausfrau.

11/14/2005 8:15 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

ZL - Maybe R2 is a jedi droid...

Don't Jedis supposed to have formal training? Or maybe that's what Yoda was doing in his spare time.

Scott - We see a young Obi Wan deliver baby Luke to the slightly younger Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, yet seventeen or so years later Ben will become the crusty old hermit. Talk about losing your looks!

I was just thinking about that yesterday when watching the movie. Also, remember when Leia said she remembered her mother? Impossible, considering she dies at birth. Lots of mistakes in the movies.

I knew the dialog was horrible. I put that into my review. But I also mentioned that I read the script before seeing the movie, so I was able to separate the dialog from the action. I loved the action sequences.

As for your Cowboys, let me tell you my secret method of picking the Super Bowl winner. It's the team with the biggest differential in PF and PA. No NFC team has a +100 margin. The Colts already have one and the Steelers and Bengals are close. +100 is the magic number.

So, the Cowboys have a shot at representing the NFC. But whatever team represents the NFC will be blown out by the AFC team.

Lime - Yeah, I don't get it either. Annakin in SWII when they fell in love was a whiney brat. I'll never claim to be the resident expert in how women think, but I think it's safe to say that most women don't like whiney brats.

11/14/2005 8:24 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

We'll see how Dallas performs against Denver. Teams don't score easily against the Cowboys, and think you will be surprised at how stingy they will be against Indy's O, if the opportunity presents itself. The only question in my mind is the Dallas O, in specific the offensive line. If they improve there in the offseason and everything else stays the same or gets better, then this team is the NFC slam dunk.

11/14/2005 9:17 AM  
Blogger begins with v said...

You are doing a cartoon of me???!!! How exciting!!! I can't wait to see it...

I'm with you--R2D2 is the best and he does have a soul!

tried voting for you, but couldn't find where to do it on that blog...

11/14/2005 11:11 AM  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

I want to know why R2D2 couldn;t do all the cool stuff he did in I II and III in IV V and VI.

Nothing, nada, zip and it was 20 years later.

11/14/2005 12:30 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

I agree with you on the price of cd's too rich for my blood. Buy 3 0r 4 cd's and you've spent enough money to buy an I-pod.

Awwwe I think R2 D2 has a soul too. He was always one of my favorite characters from Star Wars.

BTW--I tried to vote for you, I don't know if I did it correctly or not. I'm computer illiterate you know. ;) Anyway, you get my mental vote if the it didn't take. ;p

11/14/2005 1:24 PM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

Myladysa posted after the nomination. Scroll down until you see Zombieslayer's name, then vote in the comments.

Obi-wan definitely did not age well. The desert air must not agree with him. That reminds me; we need to buy that DVD to complete our series.
It's hard to believe that it's been 28 yrs since the first Star Wars came out!

11/14/2005 2:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey---sorry there is so much confusion about how to vote!

You need to find the post that says FBF Nominations, or Fit Bit Friday... Or, you can simply go into Miladysa's 'contact' email account and email her and tell her that you want to vote for The ZombieSlayer.

Actually, I'll email her and tell her to check out this post so that she can account for how many people have tried to vote for the Slayer, but were unable to.

Then, I'll ask her to make the voting area more 'findable' (is that a word??)

Cheers on the nomination! Zombie Lama won last week, and I won the week before. We're starting a dynasty here in the USA!

11/14/2005 5:14 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

ZS - I enjoyed Star Wars III, but it's been advertised here as some sort of "emotional something-or-other" and I just can't see it. I've always loved R2, but my favorite is really Chewie. Sometimes I'd like to have a big carpet as a sidekick who can rip people's arms off. :-P

11/14/2005 5:25 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Scott - I'll actually be rooting for Cowboys against the Colts. For some reason, the Colts and the Steelers have become my teams to hate. I don't even hate the Cowboys anymore, like I used to. The thing is, I had too much respect for Emmitt Smith and Jimmy Johnson. I still think Jerry Jones is a possible candidate for the Anti-Christ.

The thing is, I always root for the NFC team against the AFC team in the Super Bowl.

Slade - I thought I told you already. It's the one where you're in the Halloween costume in college. I'm going to have to ask Mrs. Z to do the arms and hands. Your bod's already done.

Phoenix - Nothing, nada, zip and it was 20 years later.

Yeah, that's one thing that bothered me is that R2-D2 could fly in II, yet he has no real powers in IV, V, and VI.

Moni - That's the thing. An iPod doesn't look out of price range when you start comparing it to a string of CDs. I remember in high school, I'd do a bunch of sales and buy a dozen albums with the extra money (I used to have an independent business painting curbs). Can't do it nowadays.

Tshsmom - It's hard to believe that it's been 28 yrs since the first Star Wars came out!

It's a scary thought that 1977 was 28 years ago. That means I've been a Packer fan for 29 years.

Bhakti - Zombie Lama won last week, and I won the week before. We're starting a dynasty here in the USA!

Heh. Funny thing is, within ten years, we'll be better than the Europeans and South Americans at soccer as well.

Notta - I've always loved R2, but my favorite is really Chewie. Sometimes I'd like to have a big carpet as a sidekick who can rip people's arms off. :-P

I like Chewy too. But I think my fav dude was Han Solo. He had no special powers, just a lot of guts.

Bridget - If everyone was like me, we'd have a very boring world. That's why I love different people. We get to make fun of people's differences. ;)

11/14/2005 7:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've left a comment on Miladysa's blog, as well as an email. You'll definitely get all of the votes you deserve. Don't worry about that!

And, uh...Yeah...Go team!!!

11/14/2005 8:32 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bhakti - Thanks babe! Owe you one. :)

11/14/2005 9:07 PM  
Blogger Miladysa said...

Hi Zombie - people just comment to vote for FBF - "Zombie-Slayer" is enough.

I have visted everyone and thanked them for their votes :)

11/15/2005 12:35 AM  
Blogger Izzy said...

Dude, don't even get me started on the dialogue in Star Wars Episode III. All I can say is this: Ewan MacGregor and Natalie Portman did an amazing job with the "material" they were given. Go Packers.

11/15/2005 1:22 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

I want a sticker.

11/15/2005 6:53 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Sadie - Heh. I love those "I voted" stickers. I wear them around until they lose their stickiness.

Truman - You're back! Hope you figured out the posting mp3 thingie.

Yeah, that dialog was soooo bad.

Miladysa - Sweet. Wanted to say you're a heck of a writer.

11/15/2005 8:58 AM  

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