Monday, November 07, 2005

Who is The Man?

You've heard me use the expression on this website "The Man" many times. Not only have I used it many times, I'll continue to use it. I like it, but I wanted to explain that "The Man" is not just one man, it's a collection of people, both men and women.

The Man is almost exclusively upper-upper class. The upper-upper class has a very exclusive attitude to them. They want to decide who can join them. They just don't let anyone in. For example, in the early 90s, Madonna had the money to move into an elite neighborhood in I think it was New York. Anyone who knows what it was, please fill me in. Anyways, the residents protested, for they thought Madonna would give them a bad image.

Many exclusive country clubs in the 40s and 50s did not let Jews in. They had a membership policy that only allows people to become members by a board voting, and by doing that, they guaranteed that Jewish folk could not be members.

Is The Man Jewish? No, this is an anti-Semetic myth. Most of the folks that make up The Man in America are non-Jewish.

Is The Man all white? In America, possibly. I don't know. I now strongly think Oprah Winfrey is one of The Man now, for she can single-handedly make an author a best-seller just by mentioning the author's name on her show. That's true power. She can also make or break a movie.

The other thing about Oprah, when she wanted to move into The Man's neighborhood in Montecito, CA, nobody protested. Everyone actually welcomed her.

How can I become The Man? You need to be upper-class for three generations. Or you can marry into it. Arnie Schwartzwasher was nothing until he married into the Kennedy family. He was just a dumb jock actor, until marrying into that family gave him both validity and political connections. Now he's Governor of California.

The same with John Kerry. He married into the Heinz family. He almost became President of the United States, but another representative of The Man narrowly defeated him. Let's not kid anyone. John Kerry and George Bush are more alike than they are different. That is why The Man was so adamant about not letting Ralph Nader debate either of them, for that's what Nader was screaming the entire time. But only one percent of the voters bothered to listen.

Is The Man all men? No, not at all. It's 50% men, 50% women. But for social reasons, The Man's representatives are mostly male.

Teresa Heinz could have been President is she wasn't such a b****. She's had several episodes of her doing a Howard Dean on people who didn't deserve it. Imagine her in the debates. There's no doubt she has the brains for the job. She's highly intelligent and speaks four languages fluently. But she has an anger management problem.

Some examples of The Man - the Kennedys and the Rockefellers are highest on the totem pole. The Bush's are now up there. The Heinz family is too. The Waltons and the Fords, the Vanderbilts are all The Man. The Hiltons are definitely up there, however, they have ego problems and would rather be rock stars than politicians. We can thank God (or whatever higher power you believe in, or Luck if you're an atheist) for that. As I mentioned, Oprah is. Both Michael Jordan's kids and Bill Gates' kids will be The Man. Jordan is a business genius. Either that or he surrounds himself with business geniuses. I don't think I need to explain Bill Gates.

Robert Kiyosaki and Madonna both want to be The Man. Sorry, but you both have a long way to go. I don't think either of their children will be even close to making it. There are several more families up there, but I'm not the resident expert in the Upper Upper Class. I'm sure some of you would know this info more than I would.

Is The Man Evil? Not all of them. I actually liked JFK. They're mostly out of touch with you and me though. Do you think the Bush's know how hard it is to struggle to make your mortgage/rent payments when your job was outsourced? Plus, one thing I really don't like about The Man is The Man thinks he knows what's good for you and me. I don't know about you, but I want to decide my Fate. I don't want The Man to even have a hand in deciding mine.

Does The Man really hold people down? Dang right he does. The Man is always trying to get more power, and of course it will be at our expense. We got close to being well-off a few years ago before our CEO outsourced my job to India, while giving himself a multi-million dollar bonus. And this was during the Clinton Administration, who like Kerry and Bush, is strongly in favor of both outsourcing the middle-class to India and China and opening up the Mexican border more to undercut the working class.

Is The Man all American? No. However, The Man from America obviously wields a heck of a lot more power than The Man in any other country. The Man in Switzerland wields more power than The Man in Belgium. The Man in Nigeria wields more power than The Man in Uganda. The Man in China wields more power than The Man in North Korea.

What does The Man want? Power. He already has money. That hasn't been an issue in several generations. Now he wants more power. But he'll only get more power if we give him ours. Let's stop doing that. He already has enough.


Blogger Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading this post.

By the way...I used to see JFKjr a lot when I lived in NYC. He actually sat right down beside me and ate his dinner on the same couch as me when I was photographing a party for a big designer (one of The Man, to be sure). He was so down to Earth--it was quite refreshing.

I used to photograph stars for magazines and here is a list of people that were NOT pretentious, and definitely do NOT belong in The Man category:

Meryl Streep
Glenn Close
Winona Ryder
Harvey Kietel
JFK jr
Pat Reilly
Val Kilmore
Joan Rivers
(believe it or not! Her neighbors want HER out of the building!
Meg Ryan
Rudy Guilliani
Martin Donovan
George Karlin

That's all I can think of now...

I don't like to say nasty things about people, but the following people were so nasty to everyone at the photo shoots that I just have to say they either ARE The Man, or wish they were:

Tim Allen
Nicole Kidman
Mary J. Blige

Again, JFKjr and Winona Ryder win my award for least likely to act like The Man: When everyone else was wearing Prada at the party I photographed them in, they sat down next to me and freely conversed while I wore my $50 black/no brand outfit.

11/07/2005 9:40 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

Great ending...I don't know why people are so willing to give up their power to The Man. You see it all the time and it drives me nuts. Maybe it's just easier to let someone else be in charge of making our decisions for us.

You're right about one thing for sure. The Man doesn't know, or really care, what's it's like to struggle to pay bills, or debate over whether to buy name brand or generic... I'm guessing it's been a long time since a Bush stepped foot inside a Wal-Mart or a Dollar Store to go shopping.

11/07/2005 10:07 AM  
Blogger begins with v said...

Walmart is the man sometimes...I love to stick it to the man whenever I can

11/07/2005 10:23 AM  
Blogger Moni said...

Good definition of The Man. I always thought The Man was a synonym for The Establishment. Errr...The Establishment are the people you discribed. I'm clear now. lol ;)

11/07/2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

"What does The Man want? Power. He already has money. That hasn't been an issue in several generations. Now he wants more power. But he'll only get more power if we give him ours. Let's stop doing that. He already has enough."
Damn, you made my comment for me. Reading this post, my comment was going to be your last paragraph. Are you trying to take MY power? ;)

11/07/2005 3:57 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Hmm, I don't agree that "The Man" is 50% men and 50% women - I'd say more like 75/25, respectively. I was just having this discussion with H the other day... that even if women work twice as hard as men, they will not get the props that men do. I don't even think of "The Man" so much as upper-class, but more as people who want power. I work with several "The Man"'s - not pleasant. :-/

I think Charlie, on "Lost" put it best when he told Hugo "You're turning into the Man - the management". That's how I view it, anyway. I like your explanation though. :-)

11/07/2005 4:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

But you ARE the Man, Zombie Woofster! You're the bomb-diggity of all zombies!

11/07/2005 6:32 PM  
Blogger Bsoholic said...

Damn the man! Very insightful description as to what the man actually is. "the man" is thrown around a lot without people truely knowing what they are saying. Well done.

11/07/2005 6:40 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Bhakti - Thanks for your list. It's always nice to know that someone can have money and not thumb their noses up at people. I was really interested to see your list of non-jerks.

Shawn - It's laziness and apathy.

As for The Man, yes, he is out of touch with what it's like to be one of us.

Slade - The Waltons are definitely on my list of The Man.

Moni - Yeah, but The Man just sounds cool.

Tshsmom - I'd like to see what our Founding Fathers intended - to have power as distributed as it possibly could be. Checks and balances everywhere, like between the three branches of gov't, between the states and the Feds, and even between the People and the Gov't. I'd like to see the basic person empowered. That's all.

Notta - that even if women work twice as hard as men, they will not get the props that men do.

True, but you're talking the working classes, i.e., everything below upper class. I'm talking about the upper upper class.

Wealth is measured in families and families are 50% men/50% women.

ZL - I have a hard enough time just trying to be A man these days!

Me too, buddy. :(

Bhakti - Well, I guess I'll be The Man when it all falls apart and I'll be the guy with the water, the ammo, and the cigarettes.

Bsoholic - Yeah, people throw around words all the time without knowing what they mean. The sad thing is they diminish what the words mean.

11/07/2005 7:21 PM  
Blogger clothosfate said...

Fucking Bravo!! Loved your in-depth description of The Man. Everytime I read those words: "The Man", I heard you (even though I have never really 'heard' you) saying it with condescension in your voice.

I also see The Man as the 'old money' families... its no coincidence that ALL the newspapers and news stations are owned by only a very few FAMILIES. Not by government, or corporations (not that those same familes don't make up HUGE portions of those corporations) but by families.

The Man is a family man, which is why individualism is so pushed on our culture and possibly even at the root of the over-all decay and breakdown of 'the family' for most of us. The family Man wants his family to be the most powerful, and its much better if the masses families are all busted and broken, less competition.

My advice is; be good to your family, to your children and your parents and your grandparents. Those cousins you rarely see, give em a call, remember to send Christmas cards to your old Aunts and Uncles. If we instill the power and value of a large strong family into our children, The Man won't be the only 'family man' with power anymore. I think the line goes: Together we stand, divided we fall.

11/07/2005 8:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Did anyone notice how I spelled VAL KILMER's name in my previous comment?? It just didn't look right when I typed it, but I couldn't figure out why!

Brain fade...'need to stop hangin with the Zombies, I suppose.

11/07/2005 8:38 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Clothosfate - You understand the whole family concept, which I was worried nobody would understand. That's where I get the 50% male/50% female. It's family. The Kennedys, the Rockefellers, the Heinz's. Those are families, not individuals.

They understand that wealth and power come from families, and you're right on that individualism hurts wealth and power more than it helps.

Wonderful advice as well. I think I need to give some people a visit that I haven't seen in too long.

Bhakti - Did anyone notice how I spelled VAL KILMER's name in my previous comment??

Wow, I completely overlooked that. Sometimes when something is misspelled, my brain will automatically correct and I won't even notice it.

Bridget - I think we capitalize it more as a joke. And when we say it, we say it with a false, almost negative reverance.

11/07/2005 10:17 PM  
Blogger Ben O. said...

The Man - great post.

Someday I'm gonna get that man. wait, maybe I already have.

Ben O.

11/07/2005 10:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You're up right now.... I see you.

Said the stalker. =P

11/08/2005 12:11 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Ben - The Man definitely has a winter home in Colorado. He used to be a good skiier until he sprained his ankle.

Jenn - Yup. Only time I could blog nowadays. :(

You need to move to California though. New Mexico is too far away.

11/08/2005 12:47 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

This is an excellent post. I mean it! Fantastic!

11/08/2005 3:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*Packing my bags*

Hey, I have a request to see some of your cartoon work! Don't hold out. Did I know you did cartoon stuff?

11/08/2005 6:02 AM  
Blogger jenbeauty said...

I no longer bow to the man. Just do my job and move forward for my family.

My cousin married into "The Man" family here in town. He always wanted to be part of "The Man" way of life. He now regrets it, intenstly.

11/08/2005 7:24 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Jenbeauty - My cousin married into "The Man" family here in town. He always wanted to be part of "The Man" way of life. He now regrets it, intenstly.

I'm sure it wouldn't be all it's cracked up to be. Too stressful and too much responsibility.

Jenn - Hey, I have a request to see some of your cartoon work! Don't hold out. Did I know you did cartoon stuff?

No, I'm an amateur. I do it for fun. The only cartoon I've posted was that Halloween one. That's the kind of stuff I do.

Saerkraut - Thanks. I'll try to keep this level up. :)

11/08/2005 7:57 AM  
Blogger Sadie Lou said...

I stopped giving Oprah a hard time when she started handing out her own money for people who nailed omnious sex offenders--specifally sex offenders that prey on children. She has posted the pictures of the FBI's most wanted child predators. Three of them have been caught and she gives the people who led to their arrest, 50,000 dollars cash.
I don't mind if The Man wants to do something productive with their millions.

11/08/2005 8:33 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Sadie - I stopped giving Oprah a hard time when she started handing out her own money for people who nailed omnious sex offenders--specifally sex offenders that prey on children.

I'm sure Oprah as a person is a wonderful person. People who know her seem to like her.

I don't mind if The Man wants to do something productive with their millions.

Note that I really like JFK. He believed in Americans, cut our taxes, and got us to the moon.

11/08/2005 8:45 AM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

OK, so Rufus is NOT The Man after all?

11/11/2005 7:00 AM  

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